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Summary of OSHA Regulations, Policy, First Aid Requirements, and First Aid Kit
The following procedures are to be used when a student-athlete attending The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill seeks a review of a decision of a financial aid administrator, such as the Associate Vice Provost and Director of Scholarships and Student Aid ("Associate Provost") or designee, on recommendation of the Department of Athletics, related to the reduction, cancellation, or non-renewal of athletically related institutional financial aid.
This policy addresses situations where financial aid payments are processed outside of the normal process of entering financial aid reimbursement into the GradStar system. When emergency situations arise, or if a student is tasked with conducting University business, or if the student is acting on behalf of a student organization, departments may utilize the campus voucher system in Accounts Payable for reimbursement purposes.
This procedure provides guidance on how to process payments to non-enrolled students via the Accounts Payable Campus Voucher system, which can not be processed in the GradStar system, as the majority of student financial aid payments are processed.
The Town of Chapel Hill Fire Department provides fire protection coverage for the University, and is aided by fire protection systems in place. This procedure identifies personnel authorized to manage alarms that are generated on campus.
To aid in the recruitment of middle or late career applicants to positions that the University has identified as critical to the agency mission and for which the agency has documented recruitment difficulty attracting qualified applicants or for applicants to "middle management positions", the State permits the University in certain circumstances to provide one-time recruitment incentive leave for new SHRA hires.
The North Carolina Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) allows the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("University") to develop programs to provide bonuses to recruit or retain employees in hard-to-fill occupations. Bonuses awarded under this policy are to aid the University in recruitment and retention efforts necessary to carry out mission-critical services and initiatives. The purpose of this Policy is to outline the eligibility requirements for such bonuses.
During the performance of clinical practice/research activities, students may interact with clients/research participants with tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis B (HBV), HIV/AIDS, and other infections. This contact may expose the student to infectious agents and may result in the student transmitting an infectious disease to other students, faculty, clients, family members, and research participants.
The purpose of this Procedure is to provide detailed, step-by-step guidance for UNC Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) personnel to follow in the event of a potential bloodborne pathogens exposure. For a visual aid, see Attachment C ("Procedure Infographic").
Instructions for IT staff, system administrators, and others with IT management responsibilities on how to properly manage contents of individual persons' accounts, as well as logs and other data on individual use of IT systems. The Standard aids compliance with University IT policies including the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Access to Individual User Accounts (“Account Policy”).
North Carolina law requires the University to charge and collect tuition, fees and other applicable payments for the term at the beginning of each semester or quarter (NCGS § 116-143). The University is also required to collect Accounts Receivable, including past due accounts in accordance with guidelines established by the Office of the State Controller.
Incidents resulting in personal injuries to students, staff, faculty, and visitors while on University property, or in the course of University employment or activity, are to be reported to the University Department of Environment, Health and Safety. EHS will investigate for potentially unsafe conditions and initiate corrective action as appropriate. Campus Police are to notify the Department of Environment, Health and Safety of incidents to which they respond.
The purpose of this Standard is to outline how the UNC Adams School of Dentistry will ensure meaningful access to its health services for individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and individuals with disabilities.
This procedure describes methods of payments to graduate students.
This Policy establishes the UNC Adams School of Dentistry’s commitment to non-discrimination in the delivery of patient care in accordance with Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its implementing regulations at 45 CFR part 92. This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry personnel.