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Computers and Miscellaneous Equipment Form - The State Property Insurance Fund will not pay for a loss which is due to the eleven exclusions listed on this form.
Provides the covered cause of loss and exclusions, limitations, coverage extensions and definitions on the State Property Fire Insurance Fund.
This form describes the type of property and perils insured, and excluded from the State Property Fire Insurance Fund coverage.
This letter is to advise any interested parties that the North Carolina Association of Insurance Agents is recognized as Agent of Record and has authority to quote, secure, and bind policies of property, liability, casualty, accident and health insurance for the State of North Carolina and its related agencies.
For obtaining the Accident & Sickness insurance coverage for UNC international affiliated travel.
For all accidents or damage involving a University-owned vehicle or mobile equipment, a vehicle leased from Motor Fleet Management, or a rental or personal vehicle being used for University business, complete an Automobile Loss Notice and submit to Risk Management Services within 24 hours of the loss.
The University provides a comprehensive accident and sickness insurance policy specially designed for students, faculty, and staff participating in international education programs.
Accidents or sickness which occurs while traveling internationally pose unique challenges. Participants may be unfamiliar with the medical services and locations of their host country. Language barriers and different billing requirements may affect prompt medical services. In addition, serious injuries may require the need for medical evacuation or repatriation services.
North Carolina General Statutes require that all state-owned buildings and contents be insured either through the NC Department of Insurance or the State's insurance broker of record. Only those insurance coverages offered by the NC Department of Insurance or our insurance broker are available to us.
To ensure proper insurance coverage, Risk Management Services must be notified of the acquisition or surplus of University property, including buildings, and must report these to the State. This process requires effective communication within the University as well as with the State Property Office and NC Department of Insurance.
North Carolina General Statutes require that all state-owned buildings and contents be insured either through the NC Department of Insurance or the State's insurance broker of record. Failure to report these properties in a timely fashion may jeopardize our insurance coverage.
Campus departments are charged for insurance coverages utilized for their operations. Other costs of risk such as policy deductibles and uninsured losses are also the responsibility of the department with which the loss was incurred.
All employees and recognized agents of the State of North Carolina while acting within the scope of their employment are provided with this statutory and insurance protection. This excess liability insurance policy is intended to seamlessly fit with the protection provided by the Tort Claims Act, giving employees a secondary tier of protection.
Immediately notify Risk Management Services of all automobile accidents or damage involving University-owned, NC Motor Fleet Management, or personal vehicles being used for official state business.
The prompt reporting of automobile accidents helps minimize our financial loss or the legal and financial obligation we may have to the other party.