Unit Policy
School of Medicine: Policy on Medical Doctorate Program Controlled Substances Testing
The purpose of this Policy is to identify and address problems associated with controlled substance use or other impairment. This Policy describes the conditions under which students of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“University”) School of Medicine’s (“SOM”) Medical Doctorate Program may be required to undergo testing for controlled and/or restricted substances and to describe the outcomes of a positive screening for controlled and/or restricted substances and/or when concerns arise that a student’s use of substances is impairing performance.
This Policy applies to Medical Doctorate Program Students.
Policy Statement
The illegal use, possession, manufacture, dispensation, distribution of, or impairment by controlled substances or restricted substances is prohibited for students while enrolled at SOM, on duty, on call, or otherwise engaged in SOM business, on or off SOM premises.
Students will be screened for controlled and/or restricted substances before starting their Application Phase year via the SOM’s selected third-party vendor to ensure chain of custody and consistency of evaluation. The results of screens that are performed by any other entity will not be accepted.
Some clinical rotation sites require controlled and/or restricted substance screening as a condition of starting a rotation at their site and may not accept other recent screening results. Students participating in these rotations will be required to undergo screening according to the clinical site requirements. The cost of the screening will be borne by the student unless it is covered by the clinical rotation site.
Students may voluntarily request to undergo a drug screening. Voluntary testing is most often requested for extramural (away) electives. Students undergoing screening for away electives should contact the Health and Safety Officer (healthandsafety@med.unc.edu) for information about recommended laboratories and procedures.
Students may also be required to undergo screening for controlled and/or restricted substances under the following conditions:
- Reasonable suspicion that substance use is causing impairment
- Conviction for a criminal offense involving a controlled and /or restricted substance
- Evidence of drug tampering or misappropriation
In these cases, the cost of the screening will be the responsibility of the student.
Controlled Substances: Include, but are not limited to cannabis, opioids, amphetamines, barbiturates, and similar drugs whose possession and use are prohibited under state or federal law; so-called "designer drugs" "look-alikes", synthetic drugs, and similar substances.
Restricted Substances: Prescription drugs, unless validly prescribed by a student’s physician and used as prescribed, and other substances whose use may cause impairment although they are available legally (such as alcohol, cough syrup, and other over-the-counter medications), and substances not intended for human consumption (such as glue).
Positive Test: Positive result from testing for the presence of medications, controlled substances or restricted substances. For controlled substances, any positive test for a controlled substance. For restricted substances classified as drugs, a positive test for the drug in its pure form or its metabolites at or above the specified cutoff levels by the laboratory performing the test is considered a positive test.
Impairment: State of function in which any substance use is affecting a student’s academic progress or ability to perform expected duties, including in the clinical setting. Individuals taking over-the-counter medications or medications prescribed by a physician should adhere to the terms of the prescription and to any activity restrictions recommended by the physician or manufacturer.
Screening: Examination performed for the purpose of assessing use of controlled or restricted substances.
Reasonable Suspicion: An objective, justifiable presumption that is based on specific facts, observations, or circumstances that justifies the screening of a student for use of controlled substances and/or restricted substances.
Related Requirements
External Regulations
Unit Policies, Standards, and Procedures
Contact Information
Primary Contact
Name: Valerie Glassman, Senior Director of Student Affairs
Email: Valerie_Glassman@med.unc.edu