Carolina Union: Signage Policy
Describe the purpose of this document, along with any background information that may be relevant to the reader.
Scope of Applicability
Who and or what the Policy applies to: Lists groups who must know and adhere to the Policy.
Policy Statement
The following policies have been established to provide for the safe and equitable use of Carolina Union signage spaces. Non-affiliated organizations must work with the Office of Event Services to determine available signage opportunities as some restrictions and additional charges may apply. All signage, posted within Carolina Union spaces, is subject to approval from the Event Services and Communication and Creative Services offices.
Carolina Union Signage
For reservations taking place within the building the Union provides a variety of signage opportunities. Posted at each main entrance is a large weekly sign holder that automatically selects notable events in the building for the upcoming week. There is also a daily schedule of events and meetings taking place within the FPG Student Union posted throughout the building.
Reserving Additional Signage
Meeting Room Signs: Union meeting rooms are equipped with sign holders (8 1/2 x 11), located on the wall directly outside of the meeting room.
To Reserve:
- Email your 8 ½ x 11 sign to eventservices@unc.edu by 4:00pm 1 business day prior to your reservation.
- If you do not have your own sign a template can be provided.
A-frames can be reserved to advertise for events taking place within Union spaces. The A-frame is displayed by Carolina Union staff on the day(s) of the event and removed at the conclusion of the event. A-frames can be located in designated accessible spaces in and around the Carolina Union including (but not limited to) the Pit and Union Plaza.
To Reserve:
- Contact the Office of Event Services at least 30 days prior to the event to reserve A-frame space.
- Submit your design online, at least 3 weeks in advance. (link)
- All designs created without the assistance Communications and Creative Services must be approved a minimum of two weeks prior to the reservation.
- Signs must be printed 22” wide x 28” tall.
- No glued or pasted signs will be accepted.
- Clients providing their own artwork must pick up their work the next business day.
Organizations and departments must utilize the Union’s A-frame sign holders and will not be allowed to make or use their own. The only exception to this policy is for Student Government campaigns and Homecoming campaigns. These events are covered by a separate policy created by Student Government.
Exterior Banner Lines
The Union has exterior banner lines, suspended over the Carolina Union Plaza, available for reservation on a first-come first serve basis. An exterior banner line can be reserved in order to publicize events taking place at the Carolina Union.
To Reserve:
- Contact the Office of Event Services at least 30 days prior to the event to reserve A-frame space.
- Submit your design online, at least 3 weeks in advance.
- All designs created without the assistance of Communications and Creative Services must be approved a minimum of two weeks prior to the reservation.
- Events may not be advertised more than 10 days in advance of the last date (if more than one) of the event.
- The banner must be 96” wide x 36” tall and be printed on vinyl with a grommet in each corner.

- Only one banner may be hung on the banner line at any time.
- All banners will be hung by Carolina Union staff. The Carolina Union assumes no responsibility for damaged banners, either while in their possession prior to hanging or while banners are displayed.
- Nothing can be added to a banner that has already been hung.
- Banners must be collected within three business days after the reservation or they will be discarded.
Bulletin Boards and Resource Hub
Bulletin Boards
Three bulletin boards are available on all floors of the Union for the advertisement of University events by recognized student organizations and UNC Departments.
- All advertisements must be submitted to the Guest Services Desk for approval and posting. Unapproved flyers will be removed.
- All advertisements posted must comply with Sections VII-IX of the UNC-CH Facilities Use Policy.
- The following may not be advertised: items for sale, roommate requests, transportation requests and the use or availability of alcohol.
- The maximum size for advertisements is 24in x 24in.
- Advertisements cannot be advertised more than two weeks prior to the event.
- There is a limit of one advertisement per event/program per bulletin board.
Resource Hub
The Resource Hub consists of three wooden racks located on the second floor of the Union.
- Racks are separated into three categories: Housing/Auditions, Events/Programs/Classes and Organizations/Publications. Materials should be placed in the appropriate categorized rack.
- Multiple copies of the same item may be placed in the Resource Hub but should only occupy a single compartment.
- Any item placed in the Resource Hub must comply with Sections VII-IX of the UNC-CH Facilities Use Policy.
- Business cards, small flyers, oversized posters and candy will be removed.
- Lewd and pornographic material is prohibited.
- Advertisements from commercial businesses, such as coupons and/or promotional flyers are prohibited.
- Items may not advertise the use or availability of alcohol.
- Materials placed in the Resource Hub do not require prior approval. Items not in compliance will be removed and discarded.
Failure to comply with any or all of this policy may result in a fine and/or loss of official University recognition.
This policy follows the UNC-CH Facilities Use Policy.
Exceptions (if applicable)
List of common exceptions to the Policy and how they will be handled.
Definition of keywords and acronyms used in the Policy. Procedures or Standards making use of the same definitions may refer back to a Policy definition section to avoid redundancy or transcription error.
Remove this section if not applicable.
Related Requirements
External Regulations and Consequences (if applicable)
- External driver(s) for the Policy (e.g. System Office policies; accreditation requirements; federal, state, or local laws and regulations) with link to document(s) if available).
University Policies, Standards, and Procedures
Contact Information
3103 FPG Student Union
Corner of South & Raleigh Road
209 South Road, CB # 5210
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-5210
Carolina Union Guest Services
(919) 962-2285
Hearing Impaired
T-711 (NC Relay)