UNC Police: General Order 02-02R8 - General Management


UNC Police: General Order 02-02R8 - General Management

Document Information

Document Information Table
Subject General Management
Date July 9, 2020
Number 02-02R8
Amends None
Supersedes 02-02R7
Approved by Brian L. James, Chief of Police
CALEA Standards 12.1.4 Functional Communication/Cooperation, 11.4.1 Administrative Reporting System & 46.3.1 Providing Awareness Information
CALEA Communications Standard 6.7.4 Requirements for Reporting Incidents, 6.7.5 Recording Category Requirements; & 6.7.6 Case Numbering System


The purpose of this general order (G.O) is to provide reliable management information on the activities of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Police Department (UNC-CH Police Department), and to ensure effective communications within the department.


Effective communication and reporting system within the UNC-CH Police Department is vital for proper management and decision-making. To enable this system to properly function, UNC-CH Police Department employees must maintain and submit various daily, monthly, annual, and miscellaneous reports of activities occurring within the department.

Units Affected

All UNC Police Department Sworn and Now-Sworn Personnel.


  • UNC-CH Police Department Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
  • UNC-CH Police Department Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Reports
  • UNC-CH Police Department Monthly Crime Analysis Reports
  • UNC-CH Police Department Patrol Daily Summary
  • UNC-CH Police Department Records Management System
  • UNC-CH Police Department Security Daily Incident Reports


I. Management Information System

  1. The UNC-CH Police Department's management system includes the flow of information-written and oral, between individuals, sections, divisions, and the Chief of Police’s office, which facilitates decision-making. All sections, divisions, and functions of the UNC-CH Police Department are encouraged to support the exchange of information for the purpose of coordinating activities within the UNC-CH Police Department. Communication, coordination, and cooperation among all agency functions and personnel is accomplished through e-mails, reports, memorandums, daily shift briefings, section staff meetings as well as senior and supervisory staff meetings.
  2. Information may flow in several formats and be stored multiple places to be utilized by appropriate UNC-CH Police Department personnel.
  3. The management information system includes reports relating to personnel activities and is used in predicting workload, determining staffing and resource needs, and in budget preparation. The system includes information for UNC-CH Police Department functions, such statistical data summaries of specific UNC-CH Police Department activities, dispatch records, records management system crime reporting, community survey results, focus group input, etc.
  4. The management information system incorporates both data entry, and computerized systems to prepare and store data.

II. Administrative Reporting System

  1. Daily Reports: Daily reports are prepared by the records section and provide a summary of the incidents that occurred in a 24-hour period. These daily summaries are distributed to on campus departments, various Town of Chapel Hill Departments, various county and state agencies.
  2. Incident Reports: Incident reports are prepared as required concerning any criminal incidents, ems assistance incidents, accidents, use of force, complaints, unusual police incidents, etc. This documentation is done by officers upon completion of a call for service. These reports are reviewed by the patrol supervisor, by the end of each shift and submitted to the records section.
  3. Monthly Reports: Each squad, section, and division of the UNC-CH Police Department prepares and submits a monthly activity report, through the chain-of-command, to the Chief of Police’s office. These reports will include:
    1. A list of significant accomplishments for the month;
    2. Community oriented policing philosophy related activities; and
    3. Monthly performance statistics (if applicable).
  4. Miscellaneous Reports: Activity reports are prepared by individuals assigned or participating in significant UNC-CH Police Departmental activities. After-action reports are prepared and submitted to the Chief of Police by a supervisor or division commander, after major occurrences such as fires, chemical spills, bomb threats, major concerts, etc.
  5. Annual Report: The annual UNC-CH Police Department report must be prepared by the Office of the Chief of Police, or the Chief of Police’s designee. The report includes a description and summary of each division and section. The report may summarize the monthly reports and should provide comparative data and statistics that account for the activities of the department, including, but not limited to:
    1. A comprehensive crime statistic presentation;
    2. A crime analysis summary;
    3. Citizen survey results;
    4. Results of the current citizen survey for the current year as compared to the previous
    5. Staffing allocation survey results for all division and sections of the UNC-CH Police
    6. Service usage statistics; or
    7. Goals and objectives of the UNC-CH Police Department, including progress toward their achievement.

    The annual report is posted online and sent out electronically to faculty, staff and students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

III. Accreditation Reporting

  1. The accreditation and compliance manager oversees and ensures, that reports required by accreditation standards, are completed in a timely manner. The administrative services commander notifies division and section heads, by email or other electronic means, of the time when a specific report is due. These reports are forwarded to the accreditation and compliance manager.
  2. Reports of any activities, such as critical incident exercises, that are required for accreditation standards are forwarded by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Emergency Management and Planning to the accreditation and compliance manager to ensure compliance with appropriate standards.

IV. Forms Management

  1. The forms management function is designed to ensure that only necessary and essential forms are retained and used by personnel at the UNC-CH Police Department. These forms are located in PowerDMS, in our records management system, on the University's website, or in the UNC-CH Police Department patrol room.
  2. UNC-CH Police Department personnel utilize the following procedures for developing forms for internal use:
    1. Identify the need for a form to help improve department operations;
    2. Develop the form on computer and print draft copy;
    3. Have the form approved by the appropriate division commander;
    4. Have the form approved by the Chief of Police; and
    5. If the approved form needs to be printed externally, it is sent to the appropriate vendor for print drafts and final copy.
  3. The accreditation and compliance manager is responsible for keeping a list of departmental forms in use, assigning form numbers, if applicable Forms are approved by a division commander and the Chief of Police, prior to being implemented.
  4. Once a form has been adopted and is in use, any modifications to the forms must be approved by the Chief of Police. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that forms are available for their personnel while working. The commanders of each division are responsible for ensuring that printed forms are procured and maintained, to meet UNC-CH Police Departmental needs. Once a year, the division commanders or their designee, reviews departmental forms. Any forms that have become obsolete, either through natural attrition or computerization, are eliminated from usage.
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Article ID: 132105
Thu 4/8/21 9:23 PM
Fri 10/6/23 4:23 PM
Responsible Unit
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UNC Police
Issuing Officer
Name of the document Issuing Officer. This is the individual whose organizational authority covers the policy scope and who is primarily responsible for the policy.
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Chief of Police
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
11/01/2024 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
08/04/2023 11:38 AM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
08/21/2020 11:38 AM
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08/21/2020 11:38 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
08/21/2020 11:38 AM