Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 03.01: Injury, Illness, and Near Miss - University Employee Occupational Health Clinic


Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 03.01: Injury, Illness, and Near Miss - University Employee Occupational Health Clinic


All occupational health services for UNC-CH employees based in the Chapel Hill area are provided at the University Employee Occupational Health Clinic (UEOHC), located at 145 North Medical Drive. The UEOHC provides comprehensive occupational health services to the University community. The clinic provides medical care/case management for all workplace injuries/illnesses. The clinic also provides pre-employment screening, annual immunization reviews, and medical surveillance for healthcare and non-healthcare workers. Employees working in healthcare facilities are required to complete an initial immunization review and tuberculosis screening. Other groups of employees are required to have physicals if they work with asbestos, animals, or use respiratory protection, etc. Departments employing persons that require any services other than workplace incidents/injuries are charged for these services.

If an employee has reason to believe that his/her job requires a physical and one has not been provided, the employee should consult with their supervisor.

Medical Treatment of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses

Location of Treatment

Treatment of work-related injuries and illnesses is to be sought at the following locations:

  • Treatment of non-life threatening injuries, illnesses, or Occupational Exposure to Blood, Body Fluids, or HIV:
    • During the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday (except holidays): the University Occupational Health Clinic (UEOHC) which is located at 145 North Medical Drive.
    • After-Hours Needlestick/Human Blood or body fluid exposures: please call UEOHC at 919-966-9119. The UEOHC line will automatically forward your call to Healthlink in order to gather the appropriate information and put you in contact with the Family Practice physician covering the needlestick hotline.
    • For all other after-hour work-related injuries that requires immediate medical care, go directly to the UNC Emergency Department. If immediate medical care is not needed, then please report to the UEOHC the following day.
  • Serious and/or life-threatening injuries or illnesses: the Emergency Department located in the Neurosciences Hospital on Manning Drive or closest medical facility.

Second Opinion

If an employee is out of work for more than seven calendar days, the Department of Environment, Health and Safety may require a second opinion to ensure appropriate follow-up. If required, the Department of Environment, Health and Safety arranges an appointment and notifies the employee of the date, time, and location. The employee will be informed of the results of the appointment by the physician or the Department of Environment, Health and Safety.

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507

Back to Chapter 02.08 - Expenditure of Contract and Grant Funds

Proceed to Chapter 03.02 - Reporting Incidents, Personal Injuries, and Near Misses