Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 02.08: General Policies - Expenditure of Contract and Grant Funds


Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 02.08: General Policies - Expenditure of Contract and Grant Funds


A Laboratory Safety Plan must be prepared for each campus laboratory by the Principal Investigator and submitted online to the Environment, Health and Safety Office. The purpose of the Laboratory Safety Plan is to provide safety information specific to that laboratory for the benefit of the laboratory workers and for emergency response planning. Communication of the contents of the Laboratory Safety Plan to laboratory personnel provides the minimum specific training required by the OSHA Laboratory Standard. The information that is required to be included in the Laboratory Safety Plan is found in Chapter 2 of the Laboratory Safety Manual.

Purchase Restriction

A Laboratory Safety Plan must be submitted to and approved by the Environment, Health and Safety Office before principal investigators may purchase compressed gases (except oxygen and inert gases), highly toxic chemicals, chemical carcinogens, biological materials such as select agents and biological toxins, or chemicals that exhibit one or more of the characteristics of a hazardous waste or are “P-listed” or “U-listed” wastes. Principal investigators should refer to the Laboratory Safety Manual and the Biological Safety Manual for specific lists of such materials. Approval of a Laboratory Safety Plan constitutes approval for the purchase of the materials whose use and disposal are addressed in the plan.

Release of Grant or Contract Funds

Principal investigators must have in place a Laboratory Safety Plan covering the activities anticipated for the laboratory. As a part of the submission process, the Environment, Health and Safety Office receives for review all contracts and grants. If an approved Laboratory Safety Plan is not on file in the Environment, Health and Safety Office, principal investigators are notified to submit a Plan for approval and the Office of Contracts and Grants is notified to withhold expenditure authority until such an approved Plan is in place.

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507

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Article ID: 131927
Thu 4/8/21 9:19 PM
Mon 7/4/22 1:20 PM
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Environment, Health and Safety
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09/01/2026 12:00 AM
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01/28/2019 11:00 PM
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01/28/2019 11:00 PM
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01/28/2019 11:00 PM
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04/01/2014 12:00 AM