Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 01.10: EHS Management System - Training Requirements


Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 01.10: EHS Management System - Training Requirements

Orientation of New Employees

All employees are required to complete an Environment, Health and Safety Orientation program appropriate to their work environment. Orientation programs are offered in the following areas:

  • Safety in the Office Environment
  • Safety in the Laboratory Environment
  • Safety in the Clinic Environment
  • Safety in the Industrial, Maintenance and Construction Environments
  • Safety in the Support Services Environment
  • Hazards Communication Standard
  • Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
  • Tuberculosis Standard
  • JCAHO/OSHA Healthcare Worker
  • Radiation Safety
  • Biological Safety

Some employees will need to complete more than one training program. For example, laboratory workers involved in handling blood or other potentially infectious materials will need to complete the training programs on Laboratory Safety and the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.

The purpose of the orientation programs is to identify hazards inherent to the job, explain hazard assessment procedures, inspection requirements, reporting procedures, availability of personal protective equipment, and availability of medical treatment in the event of an on-the-job injury or illness.

Job-Specific Planning

The Department of Environment, Health and Safety will assist supervisors in identifying specialized training required by State and University policies and regulations. Employees are not to be permitted to perform duties unsupervised until appropriate training has been provided and documented. In some instances only “competent persons” or those “certified” or “qualified” can legally perform certain key tasks. If in doubt about specific job training requirements, supervisors are encourage to consult with Environment, Health and Safety.

When contracting for or purchasing specialized equipment or systems that require special training to ensure safe operation, provisions for the training should be included in the purchase agreement. When provided, such training is to be documented and provided to the Department of Environment, Health and Safety.

Training Requirements

Required safety training must be documented. As a minimum, training records must consist of:

  1. Name of training, instructor, and course outline
  2. Materials used to conduct the training (ex. Documentation videos used, power point presentation, handouts, etc.)
  3. Quizzes/Tests administered for the training. Employees must score 70% or greater for credit to be given.
  4. If the training was conducted by using hands on methods, please describe what equipment/chemicals/materials that were covered. Please describe the steps reviewed.
  5. Location, date and time the training was conducted
  6. Employee sign in sheets. Employee’s full name, PID number, and signature must be on the sheet.

Required safety training documents are to be sent to the Department of Environment, Health and Safety.

Evaluation of Training

All Department of Environment, Health and Safety training programs will include an “exam” for program participants to reinforce course content and demonstrate knowledge of key principles.

Contact Information

Primary Contact

Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507

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Proceed to Chapter 01.11 - Enforcement of Training and Medical Surveillance