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Amplified Sound Policy

This policy is intended to ensure sound in the Pit does not negatively impact libraries and classroom buildings during academic instruction times and to provide a process for requesting amplified sound in advance with the Carolina Union. ... university-policy ... , and Non-Affiliates. Policy Policy Statement Amplified sound is permitted outdoors on: Fridays between 5 p.m. - 10 p.m., Saturdays from 8 a.m. - 10 p.m., and Sundays from 8

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Policies

To create a structure for consistency and clarity in Policies as well as their supporting Procedures and Standards within the UNC Adams School of Dentistry ("ASOD" or the "School"). This Policy ... unit-policy ... its discretion, publish these procedures. IV. Related Requirements A. External or University Regulations University Policy on Policies B. Unit Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Department of Athletics and Department of Sports Medicine: Policies and Procedures Regarding Sports-Related Concussions

A Concussion occurs when there is a direct or indirect insult to the brain. As a result, transient impairment of mental functions such as memory, cognition, equilibrium, and vision may occur. This document contains the policies and procedures regarding sports related concussions. ... university-policy ... equipment as a weapon is prohibited during all practices and competitions; Deliberately inflicting injury on another player during practice or competition is prohibited; All playing and protective

Policy on Research Billing

existing policies related to the conduct of clinical research studies. This policy is applicable to medical items or services provided as part of a clinical research study; however, it does not apply to studies that do not involve human subjects. ... university-policy ... , items, or tests provided to subjects who participate in clinical research studies. This policy supplements existing policies related to the conduct of clinical research studies. This policy

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Student Professionalism

The purpose of this document is to operationalize the principles contained in the Adams School of Dentistry's Technical Standards and Code of Conduct and to provide a mechanism for adjudicating whether student or resident conduct has failed to meet the School's expectations for professionalism. ... unit-policy ... a student reports a concern regarding discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or related misconduct including sexual assault must contact the EOC Office immediately. D. Sanctions For minor

Policy on Gift Acceptance

This policy governs the acceptance of gifts to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the "University") and Associated Entities of the University and applies to all employees and volunteers responsible for supporting fundraising on campus. ... university-policy ... Title Gift Acceptance Policy TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose of Policy Authority to Accept Gifts Gift Types Policies Related to Donor-Imposed Restrictions on Gifts Unique Issues Related

Data Network Policy

ITS to coordinate, monitor, and manage University network traffic and activities. Compliance with this policy and related Standard helps our campus facilities adhere to FCC and other regulatory requirements, not disrupt statewide or larger networks, and provide robust and reliable services.. ... university-policy ... on a local network can be sent across the world and has the potential to do damage along the way. This Policy and the accompanying UNC-Chapel Hill Data Networking Standard provide structure and

Information Security Policy

This policy defines a framework for the Information Security Program. It gives direction for policies, standards, and procedures that relate to security. These documents tell us how to include information security in all the ways we work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ... university-policy ... Title University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Information Security Introduction Purpose This policy defines a framework for the Information Security Program. It gives

701 - Encumbrances Policy

finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... liquidate. Related Requirements None. Contacts Policy Contact Subject Contact E-Mail Purchase order liquidation Accounts Payable and Vendor

Media on Campus Policy

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill welcomes news media representatives to campus. We encourage journalists who plan to visit to notify Media Relations so we can help connect you with sources, arrange logistics, and secure appropriate access to authorized locations. ... university-policy ... credentials while on campus, and all media vehicles must be clearly marked as such. Media vehicles must be parked legally. Parking on brick walkways is expressly prohibited. See "Media Parking on

105 - Personal Use Policy

discharge, of the necessity for conducting ourselves with the highest ethical principles, and avoiding any action that may be viewed as a violation of the public trust. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... obligations. Policy Statement The use of the University's resources and services for non-official purposes is permitted only in compliance with the following criteria: The cost to the

Open Access Policy

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill adopts this policy in order to disseminate the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. ... university-policy ... pedagogical materials or books sold for profit. Related Requirements External Regulations and Consequences None. University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Copyright Policy of the

Energy Use Policy

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to promoting energy efficiency and conservation to benefit students, faculty, staff and the campus community. Beyond reducing utility ... university-policy ... and services; sets new energy-related requirements for renovation and construction projects; and encourages people on campus to use environmentally friendly transportation. The policy also establishes

Procedure for Policy Management

To provide the process for University Units to create, review, revise, publish, and decommission official University Policies, Standards, and/or Procedures, for which the Units are responsible, as well as guidance for the management of Unit Policies. ... Memorandum to Request to Retire Policy Document.pdf ... policy-on-policies ... needed and no feedback will result. Definitions Please refer to the University Policy on Policies for definitions. Related Requirements University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Carolina Union: Building Use Policy

This policy describes general guidelines for the use of the Carolina Union. ... university-policy ... be charged for the loss of and damages to the Union and any Carolina Union equipment. Use of items that could damage the Union and/or Carolina Union equipment is prohibited. Rooms must be left in