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Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 04.13: Fire Safety - Life Safety: Electrical Equipment

The University Environment, Health and Safety Office is responsible for inspecting buildings for compliance with the Fire Codes, Life Safety Codes, and the National Electrical Code. ... university-policy ... a number of emergency calls due to nuisance smells in the work area. Contact Information Policy Contact Environment, Health and Safety 1120 Estes Drive Campus Box #1650 Chapel Hill

Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Compressed Gas

The use, storage and handling of all compressed gases in cylinders shall be done so in accordance with the provisions of the Compressed Gas Associations as set forth in Pamphlet P-1 “Safe Handling of Compressed Gases.” ... university-policy ... specified in Sec. 1910.6. Contact Information Policy Contact Environment, Health and Safety 1120 Estes Drive Campus Box #1650 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650 Phone: 919-962-5507

Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 03.07: Injury, Illness, and Near Miss - First Aid

Summary of OSHA Regulations, Policy, First Aid Requirements, and First Aid Kit ... university-policy ... work area for immediate use. Policy The University encourages departments to make first aid kits available to employees for treatment of minor cuts and scratches. The availability of first aid

School of Nursing: Technical Standards For Admission, Progression And Graduation

Consistent with its mission and philosophy, the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to providing educational opportunities to students with disabilities. ... health care settings. Required motor functions include gross and fine motor skills, physical endurance, physical strength and mobility to carry out nursing procedures; perform basic laboratory tests

Policy for Students Requesting to Use 4th Floor Hanes Hall Interview Rooms - Fall 2022 and Spring 2023

University Career Services (UCS) policy for students to request use of UCS interview rooms on 4th floor of Hanes Hall - Spring 2022 ... university-policy ... space). Requests for rooms must be submitted to UCS 1-2 business days in advance. Rooms may be used beginning at 9:00 am and must end by 4:00 pm. Rooms are booked in 30-minute blocks. Requests

Policy for the Consideration of the Removal of Names on University Buildings and Public Spaces

The names that our University attaches to buildings and public spaces make a statement about the values we wish to lift up for emulation and pass on to successive generations. As the nation’s first ... university-policy ... Title University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Board of Trustees' Policy for the Consideration of the Removal of Names on University Buildings and Public Spaces I. Preamble The names

Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 07.01: Environmental Affairs - Environmental Compliance Introduction

The Environmental Affairs Group of the Environment, Health and Safety Department (EHS) at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH or University) assists the University in complying ... university-policy ... regulations, Toxic Substance Control Act regulations, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) regulations and National Environmental Policy Act regulations. The University is required

Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Powered Industrial Trucks

university-policy ... Practical (see attached file) Forklift Daily Checklist (see attached file) Contact Information Policy Contact Environment, Health and Safety 1120 Estes Drive Campus Box #1650 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650 Phone: 919-962-5507

School of Nursing: Faculty Health and Safety Compliance and Occupational Health Requirements

engage as part of their teaching, research, or service mission(s) have policies that must be adhered to as per contractual agreement. These clinical site requirements are in addition to University employment-related policies. ... unit-policy ... Title School of Nursing: Faculty Health and Safety Compliance and Occupational Health Requirements Unit Policy Introduction Purpose Employment at the University is contingent upon

Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 04.04: Fire Safety - Life Safety: Exitways

The University uses Occupational Safety and Health Regulations and North Carolina Fire Prevention Codes and recommendations of the NFPA Life Safety Code as minimum standards to be attained. The State ... university-policy ... Environment, Health and Safety 1120 Estes Drive Campus Box #1650 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650 Phone: 919-962-5507 Back to Chapter 04.03 - Reporting Fires Proceed to Chapter 04.05 - Egress and Life Safety Policy

School of Nursing: Procedure for Faculty and EHRA-Non Faculty Search Committees

This article provides guidance on how to School of Nursing Faculty Search Committees conduct faculty searches and interviews. ... unit-procedure ... Unit Procedure Title School of Nursing: Procedure For Faculty and EHRA-Non Faculty Search Committees Introduction Purpose To provide guidance on conduct of a search for faculty and

Department of Athletics and Department of Sports Medicine: Sickle Cell Trait Policy

As required by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, this Policy is intended to provide protocols to help determine UNC student-athletes who have Sickle Cell Trait. It also sets forth subsequent measures to be taken in the event a UNC student-athlete is determined to have Sickle Cell Trait. ... Appendix A - Sickle Cell Trait Information and Student-Athlete Testing Waiver and Release.pdf ... university-policy ... Title Department of Athletics and Department of Sports Medicine: Sickle Cell Trait Policy UNC Department of Athletics Policy Number: 00093165 A. Definitions The definitions below shall

Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 01.09: EHS Management System - Self-Inspection Checklists

Maintaining a safe and healthful environment is the responsibility of all employees. To augment the inspection efforts of environment, health and safety committees and the Environment, Health and Safety Office, each work unit is required to perform a self-inspection annually. ... Maintenance and Construction Environment Checklist.pdf ... university-policy ... ) Industrial, Maintenance and Construction Environment (see attached file) Support Services Environment (see attached file) Contact Information Policy Contact Environment, Health and Safety

Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 01.06: EHS Management System - Funding of Safety Deficiencies

Safety deficiencies may be identified by employees, department administrators, safety committees, Facilities Services employees, Environment, Health and Safety employees, state and/or federal inspectors, insurance underwriters, or anonymous reporters. ... university-policy ... been made. Contact Information Policy Contact Environment, Health and Safety 1120 Estes Drive Campus Box #1650 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650 Phone: 919-962-5507 Back to Chapter 01.05 - Work Units Proceed to Chapter 01.07 - Communications

Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Hazards Management Plan

A Hazards Management Plan (HMP) is a written safety and environmental plan for a work unit, which provides a framework for ensuring compliance with regulations pertaining to protection of personnel and the environment. ... university-policy ... session. Be sure the outline of the topic covers OSHA and UNC-CH policies on that particular subject. Also, be sure to cover general points and job-specific points. (ex.- For Personal Protective