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602.4 - Procedure for Reporting Fabricated Equipment as a Capital Asset

This Procedure provides guidance on fabricated equipment of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, when it qualifies for capitalization, and the appropriate preparation of purchase orders when acquiring components of a fabricated piece of equipment that may qualify as capital equipment. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... /Classification University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Finance Policy 601 - Policy on Capital Assets Finance Policy 602 - Policy on Acquisition of Equipment Forms Finance Form

HIPAA Research Policy

This policy addresses access, disclosure and use of protected health information (defined below) for University research (including research in the School of Medicine, which is part of the UNC Health ... university-policy ... Title University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill HIPAA Research Policy Statement of Policy This policy addresses access, disclosure and use of protected health information (defined below

Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct Procedure

This procedure explains how the University responds to allegations of Research Misconduct. ... university-procedure ... Research Misconduct (Federal Register/Vol. 65, No. 235) UNC System Policy 500.7: The University of North Carolina Policy On Research Conduct University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Dangerous Gas Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish minimum standards for lab researchers that utilize dangerous gases. These standards will reduce the likelihood of a dangerous gas release and ensure the safety of laboratory researchers, building occupants and emergency responders. ... university-policy ... Title Dangerous Gas Policy Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish minimum standards for lab researchers that utilize dangerous gases. These standards will reduce the likelihood

Procedure for Flexible Work Arrangements for University Employees

The University recognizes the importance of providing flexibility for employees to balance work responsibilities with personal obligations and commitments. Departments are encouraged to be open to ... university-procedure ... Hours Upon request and subject to the requirements outlined in the Policy and in these procedures, requests for flexible work hours are at the discretion of the unit and/or supervisor. Unit

903.3 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Procedure on Reconciling Fringe Benefits

finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... each payroll is run, an allocation is processed to transfer fringe budgets from the pool and to roll up to each chartfield string. The roll-up includes all activity for the particular payroll run by

Procedure for Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has a vibrant and diverse population of over 29,000 students. With a population of this size, we recognize there are occasions when our students may be ... university-procedure ... Student Conduct University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Emergency Evaluation and Action Committee Policy and Procedures The Instrument of Student Judicial Governance Contact

School of Nursing: Policies On Academic Performance And Progression

The academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the School of Nursing is regularly monitored to assure timely progression to degree. The purpose of this review is to make certain ... unit-policy ... obtain the help and support they need. Formal Academic Progression Review occurs across all program levels at the end of each semester. Links to policies and procedures specific to each degree

705.1 - Procedure for Notifying Vendors of the University’s Tax Exempt Status

finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Finance Form 705.1.1f - Tax Exemption Letter to UNC-CH Business Partner. Finance Policy 705 - Sales and Use Tax Exemption Policy Contact

University Committees Policy

This policy standardizes how University Committees as defined herein are formed, operate, report findings, and dissolve. ... university-policy ... Administrative Officers UNC Policy Manual - Policy 1300.4[G]: Guidelines on Defining “Public Body” within the Meaning of the Open Meetings Act University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Faculty Workload Policy

This policy has three main goals: (1) To meet the needs of our students and other stakeholders; (2) To facilitate transparency and accountability about our performance to the public, and (3) To ... UNC System Regulation 700.6.1[R] - Academic Integrity Regulations University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Policy on Supplemental Pay for EHRA Employees Policy on Faculty Reviews

Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 00: Table of Contents

This document provides an overview of the structure of the Summer School Procedures Manual. ... university-procedure ... Title Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 00: Table of Contents Procedures Manual and Forms 1. Introduction Summer School Staff and Administrative Board 2. The Program

1109 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Non-Statutory Deductions

The University presents specific guidelines for activating non-statutory deductions within this policy in its efforts to diligently track records of financial withholding and disallowing payroll deductions unless authorized as an approved deduction. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... . Policy Policy Statement Payroll Services will make approved non-statutory (not required by law) payroll deductions and salary reductions only when such requests are submitted through the

1235 - Maintenance Service Contracts Policy

This policy is intended to show the variety of maintenance contracts and/or service agreements and the appropriate application of each. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... Administration University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Finance Procedure 1226.1 - Procedure for Creating a Purchase Requisition Contact Information Policy Contact Subject

1108 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Statutory Deductions

The University provides this policy to inform employees of mandatory deductions. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... . Related Requirements University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Finance Policy 1111 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Student Employee FICA Exemption Contact