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Standard on Rodent Survival Surgery

The standards and procedures described in this document provide guidance to all researchers and animal handlers for ensuring adequate aseptic technique for all non-USDA regulated rodent (i.e., mice and rats) survival surgeries. ... :// University Policies, Standards, and Procedures For more detailed guidance, please refer to the UNC-Chapel Hill Policy on the Care and Use of Vertebrate Animals for

Office of Human Research Ethics SOP 1402: IRB Review of Promptly Reportable Information

This SOP establishes written procedures for ensuring prompt review and reporting of any Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Subjects or Others, Serious Noncompliance, Continuing Noncompliance, Suspension or Termination of IRB approval. ... penalized or lose any benefits they are receiving or have a right to receive as a result of the complaint. The PI will address the complaint promptly and communicate its resolution to the complainant

School of Medicine Nephropathology Laboratory: Chemical Hygiene Plan

Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). In addition, the employees performing clinical testing must follow safety policies and procedures established by the UNC-Chapel Hill Environment, Health and

Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Scaffolding Requirements

Scaffolds shall be furnished and erected in accordance with the OSHA 1910.28 standard for employees who are engaged in work that cannot be done safely from the ground or from solid construction. The ... . Contact Information Policy Contact Environment, Health and Safety 1120 Estes Drive Campus Box #1650 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650 Phone: 919-962-5507

Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Silica Exposure Control Plan

may be exposed to silica on campus and the ways to reduce exposures through controls, work practices and housekeeping methods. This plan is a supplement to the campus policy and standard on crystalline silica. ... describes tasks where employees may be exposed to silica on campus and the ways to reduce exposures through controls, work practices and housekeeping methods. This plan is a supplement to the campus policy

School of Nursing: Standard on Student Participation In Commencement Ceremonies

The SON holds Commencement ceremonies annually in May. The following conditions are required for student participation in the May commencement are outlined in this policy. ... documented approval of the associate dean for PhD programs and division. To receive this approval, PhD students must have completed and successfully defended their dissertation proposal and have no