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This guideline provides a standard formula for distributing F&A when collaborations involve more than one department, school, center or institute, Dr. Waldrop has indicated (via the memo and in person) that units may establish their own agreements for sharing of F&A and that these may take precedence over the standard formula.
These small grants are provided to faculty conducting early stages of research or research in a transitional phase to accrued data necessary to support applications for external funding.
The Carrington Travel and Leave Committee awards funds to UNC School of Nursing faculty members to support professional development activities and associated travel. Everyone with a fixed term or tenure track appointment to the UNCSON faculty is eligible to receive awards for activities related to their professional development.
School of Nursing faculty may apply for a grant supported by Carrington Funds. The overall objective of the Carrington Fund is "to help maintain a superior School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill" (will of Dr. George L. Carrington who died Jan. 24, 1972). Faculty established guidelines for implementation of the Carrington Grant Fund. Grants are given for both scholarly work* and enrichment**.
To describe support for writing and management of National Research Service Awards (NRSAs). To clarify distribution of the institutional allowance allocation on NRSA (F31) awards. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) intends that the "allowance defray expenses for the individual fellow such as research supplies, equipment, travel to scientific meetings, and health insurance and to otherwise offset, insofar as possible, appropriate administrative costs of training.
The SON Grants Management Office assists Principal Investigators (PIs) with the administration of grant and contract financial management and reporting in conjunction with the requirements provided by UNC-CH Office of Sponsored Research (OSR).