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A Financial Guarantee is prepared and submitted electronically through Research Administration Management System and eSubmission (RAMSeS) in order to request Pre-Award spending.
The Proposal Dashboard within RAMSeS creates the University’s official record for each sponsored research project. The RAMSeS Internal Processing Form (IPF) is required for each research proposal of a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement and it is used to collect financial and compliance information and documentation needed for internal review and approval.
This operating standard establishes the internal deadline for providing Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), the Sponsored Programs Office (SPO), and the Office of Clinical Trials (OCT) with completed proposals and any other materials required for submission to the sponsor.
To manage administrative approval rights and data access concerning research activities maintained in Research Administration Management System and eSubmission (RAMSeS), the Office of Information Systems (ORIS) created a portal named "Backbone." Each University department, center, and institute has one or more designated Role Manager(s) responsible for creating, assigning, and managing administrative roles for their unit.