Office of Human Research Ethics SOP 2501: Case Reports Requiring IRB Review


Office of Human Research Ethics SOP 2501: Case Reports Requiring IRB Review

1. Case Reports Requiring IRB Review

In general, an anecdotal report on one or a series of patients seen in one’s own practice and a comparison of these patients to existing reports in the literature is not research and does not require IRB approval. Going beyond one’s own practice to seek out and report cases seen by other clinicians creates the appearance of a systematic investigation with the intent to contribute to generalizable knowledge and therefore is considered research and would require IRB approval.

1.1 Definitions

Single Case Report. The external reporting (e.g., publication, poster or oral presentation) of an interesting clinical situation or medical condition of a single patient. Case reports normally contain detailed information about an individual patient and may include demographic information and information on diagnosis, treatment, response to treatment, follow-up after treatment, as well as a discussion of existing relevant literature. The patient information used in the report must have been originally collected solely for non-research purposes as the result of a clinical experience.

Case Series. The external reporting (e.g., publication, poster or oral presentation) of an interesting clinical situation or medical condition in a series of patients (i.e., more than one patient). Case series usually contain detailed information about each patient and may include demographic information and information on diagnosis, treatment, response to treatment, follow-up after treatment, as well as a discussion of existing relevant literature. The information used in the report must have been originally collected solely for non-research purposes as the result of a clinical experience.

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Name: Carley Emerson
Title:  Director 
Unit: Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE)

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Article ID: 132243
Thu 4/8/21 9:27 PM
Thu 6/27/24 4:36 PM
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