Removal of Associated Entity Approved Status Policy


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Removal of Associated Entity Approved Status



Activities carried out by Associated Entities are essential to and consistent with the mission, objectives, and goals of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("UNC-Chapel Hill" or "University") and the institutional entities with which they are affiliated. Activities undertaken by Associated Entities include:

  • fundraising
  • providing services to students and campus organizations
  • research support
  • collaborating with organizations outside the University to promote and support initiatives and activities that are related to the University’s mission of teaching, research, and service.

The University and its Associated Entities pursue shared goals and objectives.

Each Associated Entity becomes affiliated with the University pursuant to the written approval of the Chancellor. Associated Entities are subject to the direction of the applicable Associated Entity’s governing body and provide funding and other support to the University. In recognition of, and to facilitate such support, Associated Entities are permitted to represent that they are affiliated with the University. In addition, many Associated Entities benefit from resources of the constituent institution in carrying out their activities.

UNC System Office Policy 600.2.5.2[R], “Regulation on Required Elements of University-Associated Entity Relationship” establishes a framework of cooperation and coordination between UNC campuses and their Associated Entities. Policy 600.2.5.2[R] recognizes the independence of each Associated Entity as an organization that is separate from the UNC campus while vesting responsibility in the UNC campus for maintaining essential oversight and control over the UNC campus’ name, marks, resources, and activities that could impact accreditation standards, and compliance responsibilities applicable to the UNC campus.

An Associated Entity must maintain its approved status from the University in order to receive University-provided services and in order to use any University names, logos, or marks (See Policy 600.2.5.2[R] section III.A).

As allowed by Policy 600.2.5.2[R], UNC-Chapel Hill provides advance written notice prior to revoking an Associated Entity's approved status.

Scope of Applicability

This policy applies to all Associated Entities of the University.


Policy Statement

An Associated Entity’s approved status may be removed by the Chancellor only upon advance written notice provided by the Chancellor to the Associated Entity, specifying material non-compliance with, or breach of:

(a) UNC System Office Policy 600.2.5.2[R], “Regulation on Required Elements of University-Associated Entity Relationship”

(b) the applicable policies of the University and UNC System Office; or 

(c) the associated entity agreement between the Associated Entity and the University.

The advance written notice period must be sixty (60) days, during which time the University may consider and accept or reject a corrective action plan submitted by the Associated Entity.




Associated Entity: any foundation, association, corporation, limited liability company (LLC), partnership, or other nonprofit entity that was:

  1. established by officers of the University; or
  2. that is controlled by the University; or
  3. that raises funds in the name of the University; or
  4. that has a primary purpose of providing services or conducting activities in furtherance of the University’s mission pursuant to an agreement with the University; or
  5. that has a tax-exempt status that is based on being a support organization for the University.

Related Requirements

External Regulations and Consequences

Contact Information

University Development

  • Title: Vice Chancellor for University Development
  • Name: Michael Andreasen
  • Phone: 919-962-0329
  • Email: