Standard Operating Procedure for Use of DMBA in Animals
EHS SOP #: 002
Version No.: 1.0
Supercedes: N/A

This document establishes procedures for the safe handling and use of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, commonly known as DMBA (CAS# 57-97-6) in university Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM; formerly the Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM)) facilities. DMBA is a highly potent carcinogen that causes cancer and heritable genetic damage and is used to induce cancer in animal models. Contact with eyes, skin and clothing should be avoided and inhalation of dust must be prevented. Based on the risk associated with the use of DMBA the safety procedures outlined below are required by all research staff and DCM employees when working with DMBA in DCM facilities.
Animal Housing
- All animal work associated with this chemical, will be conducted in the ABSL2 isolation cubicles.
- A “Chemical Hazard” sign should be posted on the entry door to indicate DMBA use.
- The IACUC Chemical Hazard form should be posted on cubicle or entry door to indicate DMBA use.
- Individual cages should be marked with a yellow chemical hazard card.
- Cages where DMBA is administered to the animals should not be changed for 48 hours after last dose. If cages are in need to be changed research personnel will change the animal bedding.
Administrative Controls
- The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) “Use of Chemical Hazards in Animals” form should be submitted and approved by EHS prior to working with DMBA in animals.
- Anyone who handles DMBA or works with animals that have been treated with DMBA is required to review this SOP and the attached Safety Data Sheet (SDS) prior to work.
Engineering Controls
- Procedures that involve handling DMBA must be conducted under exhaust ventilation in a chemical fume hood or ducted Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC).
- Cage changing occurs within a BSC.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Standard entry, gowning, and personal hygiene procedures of ABSL2 will be followed.
- Wear double nitrile gloves when preparing or dispensing DMBA solutions.
- Safety glasses will be worn when handling DMBA, in the animal holding room and when cage changing as an additional precaution.
Waste Disposal
- All animal carcasses are to be incinerated.
- Cages are to be autoclaved as per standard ABSL2 procedures.
- Animal bedding is to be incinerated during dosing and for 48 hours after last dose.
- Unused solutions of DMBA and contaminated solid waste will be disposed of as hazardous material through EHS.
Accidents or Injuries
- Animal bites do not pose any increased risk. As per standard policy, report to supervisor.
- If DMBA solution is splashed on an individual or in eyes flush for 15 minutes with copious quantities of water and contact the University Employee Occupational Health Clinic (919-966-9119).
Spill Procedures
- Do not attempt to clean-up if you feel unsure of your ability to do so or if you perceive the risk to be greater than normal laboratory operations.
- If a small spill occurs absorb with absorbent pads. Double bag contaminated solid waste and submit a request through EHS for hazardous material disposal.
- If a large spill occurs notify others in the area and evacuate room immediately. Contact EHS (919-962-5507) during working hours and 911 if after hours.
Contact Information
Policy Contact
Environment, Health & Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507