Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Fire and Life Safety Coordination


Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Fire and Life Safety Coordination


The UNC-Chapel Hill Environment, Health and Safety Office is responsible for planning, coordinating, and monitoring the fire safety program for the University. Fire Safety, as used in the University’s Environment, Health and Safety Plan, includes those areas of safety commonly referred to as “life safety”. The following operations are considered to have significant potential for endangering buildings and/or occupants and require notification of the Health and Safety Office prior to undertaking these operations:

  • Application of flammable finishes within occupied buildings;
  • Blasting operations;
  • Impairments to fire alarm or fire protection systems;
  • Impairments to life safety;
  • Insecticide fogging;
  • Open flames within buildings except for laboratory and other uses that are part of the regular academic and research environment;
  • Planned power outages; and
  • Welding near combustible materials.

Contact Information

Policy Contact

To obtain approval, a written safety plan is to be submitted to the Fire Safety Section in the Department of Environment, Health and Safety. For assistance in developing a safety plan, contact the Fire Safety Section at 919-962-5507.