Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 02.05: General Policies - Ergonomic Program


Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 02.05: General Policies - Ergonomic Program



The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committeed to providing a safe and healthful environment fo its employees by developing an ergonomic program (for details see the ergonomics web pages).


Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary activity dealing with the interactions between a person and their work environment.

Background Information

Ergonomic Stressors

Poor workplace designs can present ergonomic risk factors called stressors. These stressors include but are not limited to repetition, force, and extreme postures.

  • Repetition: Is the number of motions or movements that are performed per cycle or per shift.
  • Force: Is the muscles used to produce force in order to perform necessary activities such as lifting, grasping, pinching, pushing, etc.
  • Extreme Postures: Is when muscles are required to work at a level near or at their maximum capacity.

Employee exposure to these stressors can cause injury or some type of musculoskeletal disorder.

Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)

Symptoms of MSD identify that an ergonomic hazard is present. There may be individual difference in susceptibility and symptoms among employees performing similar tasks. Any symptoms are to be taken seriously. The following list of symptoms can be but are not limited to:

  • Numbness
  • Tightness
  • Tingling
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Redness

Work Strategy Controls

When an ergonomic hazard has been identified, the Environment, Health and Safety Office will work with the department in eliminating or minimizing the hazard. There are two general approaches to controlling ergonomic hazards: Engineering and Administrative.

  • Engineering Controls: Are changes made to the workstations, tools, and/or machinery that alter the physical composition of area or process.
  • Administrative Controls: Are changes made to regulate exposure without making physical changes to the area or process, for example taking frequent breaks and job rotations.


All employees are responsible for attending training on ergonomics via the EHS online orientation and for following proper work practices.

Departments are responsible for providing sufficient resources to implement ergonomic recommendations in a timely manner as well as ensuring that employees are properly trained.

The Department of Environment, Health and Safety is responsible for evaluating and monitoring the ergonomic program including assessing the nature and extent of ergonomic hazards, recommending ways of minimizing or controlling these hazards, and support the University in consultation and direction regarding ergonomics. The Department of Environment, Health and Safety is also responsible for ensuring that training on ergonomics is available to all employees.

Medical Management

If an employee is experiencing any signs or symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders, the employee is to report their symptoms to their supervisor and call the University Employee Occupational Health Clinic (UEOHC) for a medical evaluation. The UEOHC will advise the employee, their supervisor, and the Department of Environment, Health and Safety of the necessary follow-up.


The Department of Environment, Health and Safety will provide ergonomic training to all employees in the EHS On-line Orientation Program. The training program will include but not be limited to definition of ergonomics, ergo stressors, types of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), symptoms of MSD, reporting, and work strategy control. These programs are also added to the Department of Environment, Health and Safety website for reference and future training. Job specific ergonomic training programs will be presented to Departments upon request.

Obtaining Assistance

Employees, Supervisors, Department Heads, and/or UEOHC may request an ergonomic assessment of work area(s) or work process(es) by contacting the Department of Environment, Health and Safety at 919-962-5507. The staff will conduct an ergonomic evaluation and provide written documentation for eliminating or reducing ergonomic risk factors to the employee and their supervisor.

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507

Back to Chapter 02.04 - Purchase Review by Environment, Health and Safety

Proceed to Chapter 02.06 - Office Safety and Health

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Article ID: 131924
Thu 4/8/21 9:19 PM
Sun 8/28/22 2:45 PM
Responsible Unit
School, Department, or other organizational unit issuing this document.
Environment, Health and Safety
Issuing Officer
Name of the document Issuing Officer. This is the individual whose organizational authority covers the policy scope and who is primarily responsible for the policy.
Issuing Officer Title
Title of the person who is primarily responsible for issuing this policy.
Executive Director
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
09/01/2026 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
01/28/2019 11:00 PM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
01/28/2019 11:00 PM
Effective Date
If the date on which this document became/becomes enforceable differs from the Origination or Last Revision, this attribute reflects the date on which it is/was enforcable.
01/28/2019 11:00 PM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
04/01/2012 12:00 AM

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