Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 01.06: EHS Management System - Funding of Safety Deficiencies
Safety deficiencies may be identified by employees, department administrators, safety committees, Facilities Services employees, Environment, Health and Safety employees, state and/or federal inspectors, insurance underwriters, or anonymous reporters.
Safety deficiencies will be investigated and evaluated by Environment, Health and Safety personnel. If a deficiency is confirmed by inspection, it will be categorized according to severity and responsibility for correction.
Responsibility Categories
- Facility deficiency resulting from major structural deterioration, construction oversight, or code change. Items in this category generally involve significant expenditure of funds and require scheduling under the University’s Capital Improvement Program.
- Maintenance problem resulting from normal wear and tear or functional obsolescence. Items in this category related to the facility, fixed equipment, or grounds are the responsibility of the Facilities Services Division and will be funded through its maintenance budget.
- Deficiency created by inappropriate occupancy or practices by occupants. Correction is the responsibility of the occupants.
- Repairs to equipment purchased and maintained by the using department, as well as replacement of stolen or missing equipment, are the responsibility of the department.
Severity Categories
- Imminent Danger
- Serious
- Non-serious
- Documentation
The investigating Environment, Health and Safety personnel who determines that a safety deficiency poses imminent danger or is a serious violation shall have the power to stop work, order evacuations, or take other such emergency measures as they deem appropriate under the circumstances. An emergency work order will be placed with Facilities Services to begin corrective action.
The investigating Environment, Health and Safety personnel who determines that a safety deficiency is a non-serious violation or a documentation violation shall issue an order for correction to the party responsible for correction. Such orders shall contain deadlines for correction of the violation. The Department of Environment, Health and Safety will follow-up to insure that the correction has been made.
Contact Information
Policy Contact
Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507
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