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Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 05.15: General Policies - Eye Protection Program for Chemistry Laboratory Courses

university-policy ... Title Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 05.15: General Policies - Eye Protection Program for Chemistry Laboratory Courses Initial Supply and Reissue of Equipment A pair of

Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 05.01: Occupational Safety Policies - Industrial Hygiene Program Requirements

, evaluation, and control of environmental health hazards. Environmental health hazards may include conditions which cause legally compensable illnesses, or any conditions in the work environment that impair the health of employees to the extent that they lose work and/or efficiency. ... university-policy ... Title Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 05.01: Occupational Safety Policies - Industrial Hygiene Program Requirements Introduction The University is committed to protecting its

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Timely Signing of Clinical Assessment Forms

This document describes the Adams School of Dentistry's policy on timely signature of Assessment of Clinical Experience (ACE) forms by attendings. ... unit-policy ... assessments and documentation is to provide learners with important feedback on their performance, and to accurately evaluate learner progression and practice readiness. Scope This policy applies to

On-Call & Emergency Callback Pay

work site and is requested to respond (either by returning to work or by responding by telephone or computer) on short notice to an emergency work situation. ... university-policy ... in administering this policy. Scope of Applicability All full- or part-time non-exempt SHRA employees (permanent, probationary, trainee, or temporary) are eligible. Procedure Selection

Office of Human Research Ethics SOP 2401: Research Subject to US Department of Energy Regulations

university-policy ... activities are often referred to as human social culture behavior (HSCB) studies. It is DOE policy that HTM activities are managed as human subjects research. 4. Procedures 4.1 No human subjects

Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Machine Safeguarding Requirements

This policy is to establish requirements for the safety of UNC employees while working in close proximity to machinery with hazardous moving parts. The purpose of machine guarding is to protect the ... university-policy ... and repair procedures (i.e. – Job Safety Analysis, Standard Operating Procedures) in place to reduce hazards can contribute significantly to the safety of University maintenance personnel and machine

Laboratory Safety Manual - Chapter 07: Highly Toxic Chemicals and Select Carcinogens

This chapter supplements previous chapters by giving specific extra precautions, postings, training, and protective equipment necessary when working with substances that are highly toxic and/or ... university-policy ... evidence for carcinogenicity. Many of these also warrant careful planning and control procedures. II. Laboratory Safety Plans Laboratories working with highly toxic chemicals and/or select

Biological Safety Manual - Chapter 08: Agent Summary Statements (Section I: Bacterial Agents)

Bacillus anthracis, a gram-positive, non-hemolytic, and non-motile bacillus, is the etiologic agent of anthrax, an acute bacterial disease of mammals, including humans. Like all members of the genus ... university-policy ... . Section Ia: Policy for Laboratory Personnel Who Are Working With Neisseria Meningitidis Policy Statement This policy addresses the procedures required by the University to reduce the risk

Alert Carolina System Protocols

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has an Alert Carolina System (ACS), which is activated using a strategy that is based on redundancy, using multiple methods to communicate with students, faculty and staff, as well as visitors, local residents, parents and the news media. ... university-policy ... current campus policies regarding immediate emergency response and evacuation procedures, including procedures: "To immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant

Biological Safety Manual - Chapter 19: Resources for Information

Resources for information, consultation, and advice on biohazard control, decontamination procedures, and other aspects of laboratory and animal safety management ... university-policy ... Title Biological Safety Manual - Chapter 19: Resources for Information Resources Resources for information, consultation, and advice on biohazard control, decontamination procedures, and

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 11: Instrument Preparation, Sterilization, & Storage

Chapter 11 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for instrument preparation, sterilization, and storage, including transporting and ... unit-policy ... inspecting, disinfecting, processing, sterilization, storing, and distribution. Review video instructions on CSU specific inspection and cleaning procedures. Sort instruments and if excess water is

Biological Safety Manual - Index

university-policy ... Immunodeficiency Virus SGP: Sheep and Goat Pox SGPV: Sheep and Goat Pox Virus SOP: Standard Operating Procedure SVCV: Spring Viremia of Carp virus SVD: Swine Vesicular Disease SVDV: Swine

Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 04.21: Building Emergency Coordinators

The University has designated an Emergency Coordinator(s) for all of its occupied buildings. This document describes what each Emergency Coordinator is responsible for before, during, and after an emergency. ... university-policy ... procedures: Sweep through assigned area to alert occupants that an evacuation is in process and/or notify occupants that evacuation is mandatory when the fire alarm is sounding. Help building

Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 03.06: Injury, Illness, and Near Miss - Return to Work Program

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill gives priority to permanent employees on Workers’ Compensation Leave to affect an early return to work. To facilitate an early return to work and to ... university-policy ... payment of compensation and implement dismissal procedures. Employee’s Current Leave Status While Return to Work Options Are Reviewed If the employee is currently back at work on modified duty, then

Industrial Maintenance and Construction/Support Services Safety Manual - Silica Exposure Control Plan

may be exposed to silica on campus and the ways to reduce exposures through controls, work practices and housekeeping methods. This plan is a supplement to the campus policy and standard on crystalline silica. ... vacuum bags in a sealed plastic bag and place bag in a general waste dumpster. Procedures Used to Restrict Access to Work Areas Use barrier tape to restrict pedestrian access to the work