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Employee Fitness for Duty Policy

without posing a Direct Threat to themselves or others. This Policy and associated Procedures describe the circumstances in which the University may evaluate an Employee’s Fitness for Duty, provide the procedures for those evaluations, and safeguard Employee privacy related to those evaluations. ... university-policy ... University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Procedure for Employee Fitness for Duty Policy on Illegal Drugs Alcohol Policy Policy on Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing Employment

1115 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Leave Payout

In accordance with the North Carolina Office of State Human Resources' Separation policy , salary payments for unused annual leave not to exceed 30 days (240 hours) are made to terminating employees based on the employee's current salary rate. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... Carolina at Chapel Hill employees who are terminating their positions. Scope All University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill employees receiving compensation through Payroll Services. Policy

Research Code of Conduct Policy

conducted by faculty, staff and students. The guiding principles and standards set forth in this policy are in alignment with the University's goal to continually improve and to maintain its status as a world-class research university attracting the best faculty, staff and students. ... university-policy ... University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Please see the corresponding Research Code of Conduct Standard Policy and Procedures on Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct

Carolina Union: Digital Advertising Policy

This policy describes the University's digital signage options. This includes fees for the Carolina Union to run ads and for the Carolina Union staff to help design ads. The document also describes ... university-policy ... ) if available). University Policies, Standards, and Procedures (if applicable) University Standards and Procedures are separate but may be linked from the Policy. Nomenclature of matching

1265 - Policy on Ethyl Alcohol Regulations

The policy is to ensure compliance with the tax-free ethyl alcohol permit. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... alcohol is governed under Title 27, part 22, Chapter I - Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treasury. University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Finance Procedure 1265.1

Policy on Gift Acceptance

This policy governs the acceptance of gifts to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the "University") and Associated Entities of the University and applies to all employees and volunteers responsible for supporting fundraising on campus. ... university-policy ... to Certain Types of Donors Policies Related to Avoidance of Giving Legal and/or Tax Advice to Donors I. Purpose of Policy This policy governs the acceptance of gifts to the University of

Capital Gift Funding Policy

This document is intended to ensure that capital projects are fully funded at the outset of construction and partially shield against the inflationary costs of construction. ... university-policy ... Policies, Standards, and Procedures For more detail on policies and procedures related to capital projects and funding plans, please see Facilities Planning & Construction Policies. Contact Information

308 - Policy on Merchant Card Services

stringent security requirements to protect payment card data; and (2) with E-Commerce policies published by the NC Office of State Controller. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... days, or sooner, as prescribed by the guidance relevant to the system in use. ensure that security policies and operational procedures for identification and authentication are documented, in use

School of Medicine: Procedure for Assigning or Removing Mobile Device Stipend

Device Stipend Policy and University Finance Procedure 1269.1 - Establishing and Paying for Mobile Device Stipend Procedure. ... 1100---payroll-and-benefits ... Stipend Policy. Related Requirements University Policies, Standards, and Procedures 1269 Mobile Device Stipend Policy 1269.1 Establishing and Paying for Mobile Device Stipend

Policy on Insurance for University Vehicles

The University's insurance is part of a master policy issued to The State of North Carolina. We are required to comply with all state policies regarding insurance and vehicle use. ... university-policy ... jurisdiction of the North Carolina Department of Administration's Motor Fleet Management Division, which provides all regulations, policies and procedures related to their assignment and use. In order for

Policy on Gender-Inclusive Language

terms (chair; first-year student; upper-level student, etc.) should be used on University documents, websites and policies. ... university-policy ... Requirements University Policies, Standards, and Procedures University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Writing Center - "Gender-Inclusive Language" Contact Information Policy Contact

Procedure for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Workplace Violence

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to promoting a safe and healthy campus environment that is free from violence. This procedure sets forth steps for reporting, responding, and resolving reports of Workplace Violence. ... university-procedure ... Resources' "Policies & Procedures" website. Endnotes 1. If required by the SHRA Grievance Policy, the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office will seek to complete the Investigation within the time

Policy on Insurance for University Property

North Carolina General Statutes require that all state-owned buildings and contents be insured either through the NC Department of Insurance or the State's insurance broker of record. Failure to report these properties in a timely fashion may jeopardize our insurance coverage. ... university-policy ... State agencies to be placed by Department; exception; costs of placement Title 11, Chapter 7 of the NC Administrative Code University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Procedure on

Policy on Public Records Requests

responsive to information requests from the public and the news media. UNC-Chapel Hill is committed to a policy of openness, honesty, and cooperation. ... university-policy ... Privacy Act (FERPA) University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Guidelines for students seeking access to their own education records are available at: UNC-Chapel Hill University

School of Nursing: Procedure For Academic Planning And Implementation

Procedures for Academic Program Planning & Implementation identifies the steps in the School of Nursing program planning and implementation process. The Course Map is a long term plan identifying ... unit-policy ... evaluated at next review. Procedure Introduction Procedures for Academic Program Planning & Implementation identifies the steps in the School of Nursing program planning and implementation process