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Laboratory Safety Manual - Chapter 13: Safe Handling of Peroxidizable Compounds

This chapter describes the hazards associated with peroxide formation in chemical compounds, methods to detect peroxides, safe handling, use, and storage of peroxidizable compounds, and how to remove peroxide contamination from chemicals. ... university-policy ... of isopropyl ether contains a large chunk of explosive peroxide crystal. A high-hazard removal company took this bottle from the lab and detonated it with a blasting cap, visible on top of the tape

Laboratory Safety Manual - Chapter 18: Safe Use of Nanomaterials

safety and health concerns from nanomaterials (based on cell culture and animal studies), the routes of exposure, and guidance on how to prevent exposures to nanomaterials. ... university-policy ... waste handling rules outlined in Chapter 12 and submitted as a chemical waste mixture. VIII. Nanotechnology Safety Policy The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is one of the leaders in

Biological Safety Manual - Chapter 08: Agent Summary Statements (Section III: Parasitic Agents)

is available for most parasitic infections.4 Immunocompromised persons should receive individualized counseling (specific to host and parasite factors) from their personal healthcare provider and their employer about the potential risks associated with working with live organisms. ... university-policy ... no animal reservoir hosts. Some Leishmania spp. may have a number of important mammalian reservoir hosts, including rodents and dogs. Only cats and other felines can serve as definitive hosts