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- Knowledge Base
- Office of the Chancellor
- Environment, Health & Safety
- Environment, Health and Safety Manual
The contractor is responsible for preparing a Site Safety Plan that they discuss with their employees and is made available to EHS. Further, OSHA requires that general contractors have a qualified person perform a daily safety site inspection which itemizes safety deficiencies and corrective actions taken. The contractor shall provide a weekly written report of these findings and corrective actions to the UNC Construction Manager assigned to the project.
- Knowledge Base
- Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance
- Equal Opportunity and Compliance
This document sets forth procedures for reporting and responding to Discrimination, Harassment (including Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence), Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Complicity, and Retaliation (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Prohibited Conduct”) involving a Visitor, Program Participant, Contractor, or other Third Party as the Responding Party.
- Knowledge Base
- Finance and Operations
- Auxiliary Services
- One Card Office
We will issue Building Access Cards to contractors for special projects by the authority and sponsorship of the Department where the work is being done. We will gather all required information from the contractor and enter that into our One Card Database for tracking purposes.