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Computers and Miscellaneous Equipment Form - The State Property Insurance Fund will not pay for a loss which is due to the eleven exclusions listed on this form.
Provides the covered cause of loss and exclusions, limitations, coverage extensions and definitions on the State Property Fire Insurance Fund.
This form describes the type of property and perils insured, and excluded from the State Property Fire Insurance Fund coverage.
This letter is to advise any interested parties that the North Carolina Association of Insurance Agents is recognized as Agent of Record and has authority to quote, secure, and bind policies of property, liability, casualty, accident and health insurance for the State of North Carolina and its related agencies.
For obtaining the Accident & Sickness insurance coverage for UNC international affiliated travel.
For all accidents or damage involving a University-owned vehicle or mobile equipment, a vehicle leased from Motor Fleet Management, or a rental or personal vehicle being used for University business, complete an Automobile Loss Notice and submit to Risk Management Services within 24 hours of the loss.