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- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
This procedure explains how the University responds to allegations of Research Misconduct.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
Public trust in the integrity and ethical behavior of scholars must be maintained if research is to continue to play its proper role in our University and society. While the primary responsibility for maintaining integrity in research rests with those who conduct it, the University has established standards to ensure a healthy environment for research and compliance with law.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
This document sets forth the standards of research conduct expected of members of the research community at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, consistent with the Research Code of Conduct Policy.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as one of the leading public research universities in the nation, is committed to maintaining the integrity and validity of the academic research conducted by faculty, staff and students. The guiding principles and standards set forth in this policy are in alignment with the University's goal to continually improve and to maintain its status as a world-class research university attracting the best faculty, staff and students.
- Knowledge Base
- Office of the Chancellor
- Central Compliance
The purpose of this policy is to encourage individuals to report possible Wrongful Conduct to an appropriate authority so that prompt, corrective action can be taken by the University and to protect reporting individuals from any Retaliation for reporting Wrongful Conduct.
- Knowledge Base
- Office of the Chancellor
- UNC Police
An important element of a sound personnel system is the existence of a formal method that allows employees to resolve their grievances with management fairly and expeditiously. A carefully designed grievance process helps reduce personnel dissatisfaction, improve morale, identify problems in the organization, and increase the positive perception employees have of the organization.
- Knowledge Base
- Office of University Counsel
- Institutional Integrity and Risk Management
To provide guidance regarding requirements to report actual, attempted, or suspected: Arson; Damage; Embezzlement; Theft; or Misuse Of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) property or resources.