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Evaluation of teaching including peer observation occurs at critical points in the faculty member's career. Peer observation must occur at times of review for promotion and multi-year reappointment. These peer observations are required by the University and are summative in nature.
The School of Nursing seeks to maintain and, when possible, increase the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty members. The School also seeks to maintain and, when possible, increase the percentage of fixed-term clinical track faculty who are excellent teachers and possess a relevant doctoral degree. In advancing both goals, the SON supports a practice that allows faculty members to transfer once in either direction between appointments on fixed-term clinical and tenure tracks.
The most important part of the dossier you submit to APT for promotion and/or tenure is the essay you write organizing and reflecting on your accomplishments and goals. The following suggestions will assist you to complete this essay in a way that will best showcase your work. Both your division head and the APT chair are available to help you and to review your essay before it is submitted.
This provides guidance on post-tenure review for School of Nursing associate professors, including those seeking promotion, professors, and division heads.
This document provides a summary and clarification of the policies and procedures that operationalize the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill) School of Nursing (SON) Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) Guidelines. The APT committee reviews all applications for appointment, promotion, and tenure for tenure-track faculty, making recommendations to the Dean on these matters.
Two Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) Committee members are assigned to evaluate the performance in writing of faculty under consideration for promotion and tenure or requiring interim- or post-tenure reviews. The primary reviewer is responsible for describing the educational and work background of the applicant and summarizing the performance and evaluating the impact and recognition the applicant's work has garnered in each of the three missions of the University: research, teaching,
This document provides guidelines and serves to clarify the requirements for tenure-track faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, and tenure at the UNC-CH SON. Faculty appointments, reappointments, and promotions at the SON are carried out in accordance with UNC-CH policies and regulations.