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Pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as modified by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 ("HIPAA"), individuals have the right to request an amendment or correction to their medical information. Under specified circumstances, entities may deny the request to amend or correct an individual's medical information.
Working in a health care environment poses a risk for acquiring certain infectious diseases greater than that for the general public. To reduce the potential risk, employers are required to establish a medical surveillance program which documents immunity for some diseases, monitoring for others such as Tuberculosis, along with safety training on methods to prevent exposure and disease.
A Concussion occurs when there is a direct or indirect insult to the brain. As a result, transient impairment of mental functions such as memory, cognition, equilibrium, and vision may occur. This document contains the policies and procedures regarding sports related concussions.