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- Knowledge Base
- Office of the Chancellor
- Environment, Health & Safety
- Environment, Health and Safety Manual
It is the policy of UNC-Chapel Hill Clinical Facilities and UNC Health Care that all employees be protected from overexposure to glutaraldehyde in the course of performing their jobs. If glutaraldehyde exposure is documented by EHS above 0.2 ppm, engineering or administrative controls will be implemented to reduce exposure below the limit. Typical trade names for glutaraldehyde solutions used in UNC-CH Clinical and UNC Health Care facilities are Cidex, Rapicide, and Wavicide.
- Knowledge Base
- Office of the Chancellor
- Environment, Health & Safety
- Environment, Health and Safety Manual
UNC employees and contractors must be aware of potential hazards associated with accessing campus roofs, and this policy has been developed to assist in mitigating those hazards.
- Knowledge Base
- Office of the Chancellor
- Environment, Health & Safety
- Environment, Health and Safety Manual
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (University) is committed to providing students, faculty and staff with engineering controls that minimize their exposure to hazardous materials. This policy addresses the installation, removal, change, and monitoring of ducted and non-ducted equipment used to control exposure to chemicals, toxins, radionuclides, and biohazard agents at the University.
- Knowledge Base
- Office of the Chancellor
- Environment, Health & Safety
- Environment, Health and Safety Manual
OSHA 1910.1450, “Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories” (henceforth referred to as the Laboratory Standard) dictates that employers limit employees’ exposure to hazardous chemicals to below the permissible exposure limit (PEL) (or action level, if applicable) for a specific chemical.
- Knowledge Base
- Office of the Chancellor
- Environment, Health & Safety
- Laboratory Safety Manual
This chapter describes safe work practices when using laboratory hoods, answers frequently asked questions about this important engineering control equipment, and references the Hood and Laboratory Ventilation Policy at UNC-Chapel Hill.