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This Policy is meant to describe how the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill manages Research Administrative Data for certain types of Clinical Research studies.
This Standard is meant to provide the minimum expectations for users of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Data Management System (“DMS”) for Clinical Research Administrative Data. This Standard is intended to further the University’s goals of providing DMS users with efficient and accurate administrative data and to promote legal and regulatory compliance.
The policy establishes the requirements for using University-approved electronic research systems to obtain legally valid electronic signatures on essential documents for clinical research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“University” or “UNC-Chapel Hill”). Its purpose is to ensure regulatory compliance, enhance efficiency, and improve oversight of electronic signatures in clinical research.
This document describes the Adams School of Dentistry's policy on timely signature of Assessment of Clinical Experience (ACE) forms by attendings.
This Policy describes requirements and expectations for peer-to-peer encounters as a component of clinical training.
The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the requirements for extramural clinical activities occurring outside the Adams School of Dentistry. These activities include but are not limited to: rotations, volunteer clinics, private practice, externships, and international trips sponsored by student organizations.