End of Appointment: EHRA Non-Faculty


Before finalizing or communicating an end of appointment decision for any permanent EHRA non-faculty employee, departments must contact the EHRA Non-Faculty HR Department in the Office of Human Resources (OHR) by phone so that the proposed action may be prescreened. Prescreening is not required for EHRA non-faculty temporary or student employees, postdocs, or an employee who voluntarily submits their resignation in writing or by email.



End of Appointment: EHRA Non-Faculty


Policy Statement

Before finalizing or communicating an end of appointment decision for any permanent EHRA non-faculty employee, departments must contact the EHRA Non-Faculty HR Department in the Office of Human Resources (OHR) by phone so that the proposed action may be prescreened. Prescreening is not required for EHRA non-faculty temporary or student employees, postdocs, or an employee who voluntarily submits their resignation in writing or by email. Prescreening is required for at-will appointment ends, term non- reappointments, the exercise of a funding contingency due to loss of funding, and discharge for cause. End of Employment actions in these circumstances will not be approved by OHR until prescreening has been completed.

A school or division's administrative approval chain may have additional documentation requirements beyond what is required by EHRA Non-Faculty Human Resources. Consult the Dean or School/Division HR Office with specific questions regarding any such requirements.

To ensure an employee continues to receive direct deposit of his/her paycheck, whenever an action is processed within ConnectCarolina to initiate an employment period for someone who is switching from an EHRA position to an SHRA position, or vice versa, Payroll requires the resubmission of the appropriate Direct Deposit Form.

HR Representatives should consult ConnectCarolina documentation for procedural information for end of employment actions, including providing required documentation. For additional procedural information, HR Representatives should contact their EHRA Non-Faculty HR Consultant.

Documentation of Termination Circumstances

Voluntary submission of resignation of a permanent employee: The Department should obtain a signed letter of resignation should be obtained from the employee which includes the termination date whenever possible. E-mail is also acceptable but less preferable than a signed letter. Absent either, the department should attach a memorandum documenting the manner in which the employee communicated his/her intention to resign.

Involuntary submission of resignation of a permanent employee: The Department should prepare the appropriate letter to the employee communicating the end of appointment with proper notice when applicable. Templates for the various end of appointment situations are included in the next section.

Note: In cases where a Term Appointment is being terminated during the second or subsequent year of service of the employee, if the written notification is not provided at least 90-days prior to the date of termination, the appointment must be extended for a period of 90 calendar days beyond the scheduled expiration date of the term. Such an extension should be communicated within the same written notification of the termination.

End of Employment Notification

  • A term employee with an expiring one-year term requires no advance notice regardless of whether the employee has had one or more prior one-year term appointments.
  • Terms of two to five years' duration require a 90-day notice of non-reappointment. If the written notification is not provided at least 90 days prior to the date of termination, the appointment must be extended for a period of 90 calendar days beyond the scheduled expiration date of the term. Such an extension should be communicated within the same written notification of the termination.
  • Ending the employment of an "at-will" employee within the first 12 months of service requires a 30-day working notice; following a year of at-will service, a 90-day working notice is due the employee.
  • If the original terms of appointment for either an at-will or a term appointment include a funding contingency, no advance notice is required when implementing a funding contingency. However, departments are advised to provide notice whenever possible, and a 30-day courtesy notice is recommended but not required or obligated.
  • For a termination for cause of an at-will or term appointment employee, please contact your department's Employee Relations Consultant in the Offce of Human Resources. The Employee & Management Relations Department, in coordination with the EHRA Non-Faculty HR Department, will assist the terminating department in preparing any required communications to the employee.

For all other end of employment circumstances not described above, please contact the EHRA Non-Faculty HR Department for assistance regarding the format of the communication to the employee.

Leave Records & Payout (When Applicable)

Leave-earning permanent employees at .50 FTE or greater may be eligible for leave payout upon the end of their appointment. Detailed guidelines on leave payout are available by referring to the EHRA Non-Faculty Leave Transfer or Payout Policy.

HR Representatives should consult ConnectCarolina documentation or the EHRA Non-Faculty Policy Reference Guide for procedural information on leave payout, including providing required documentation.

Health Plan Coverage when Position is Eliminated

When employment ends because the position is eliminated or abolished due to reduction in or reallocation of funding used to support the job or its responsibilities, in total or in part, the employee may be entitled to up to 12 months of employer- paid coverage under the State Health Plan.

Note: after the 12-month period, the employee is able to continue his/her coverage at his/her own expense. Employees not eligible for this limited coverage may opt to pay for their own coverage. In addition, the employee continues to be responsible for any costs to provide coverage for dependents, both during that initial 12-month period and afterward.

An employee IS eligible when all of the following requirements are met:

  • the position must be eliminated due to reduction in funds, in total or in part, or reallocation of funds that support the position or its responsibilities
  • the individual must have been employed for at least 12 months in a permanent position by UNC-Chapel Hill and/or another State government agency or UNC campus and be participating in the State Health Plan at the time the position is eliminated the
  • employee's work hours must have been at least 30 hours a week or .75 FTE during the 12 months preceding the end of employment

View this specific University of North Carolina policy

An employee is NOT eligible if any of the following apply:

  • the employee's contract letter specified a funding contingency and the end of appointment is due to an exercise of this contingency
  • the employee's term appointment happens to end at the same time the position is being eliminated or abolished the
  • employee's appointment is being ended for any reason other than reduction in or reallocation of funds
  • the employee opts to retire at the end of employment – that is, withdraw from active service with a retirement allowance from the North Carolina Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System (TSERS) or the University of North Carolina Optional Retirement Program (ORP); the retiree health insurance program would then apply

Submitting Corrections for an Employee No Longer Active

HR Representatives should consult ConnectCarolina documentation for procedural information for submitting corrections in ConnectCarolina for an inactive employee. For additional procedural information, HR Representatives should contact their EHRA Non- Faculty HR Consultant.

Related Requirements

External Regulations and Consequences

View this specific University of North Carolina policy

University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

EHRA Non-Faculty Leave Transfer or Payout Policy

Direct Deposit Form

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Policy Contact Information Table
Address Phone Number Email

Office of Human Resources

104 Airport Drive, CB #1045

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

(919)843-2300 hr@unc.edu

Other Contacts

Questions about an employee's benefits should be directed to the Office of Human Resources Benefits Consultant assigned to the unit, school or division. Find your Benefits Consultant.

Other questions related to this limited eligibility for Health Plan Coverage for EHRA Non-Faculty employees should be directed to EHRA Non-Faculty HR (919-962-2897).



Article ID: 131747
Thu 4/8/21 9:15 PM
Tue 10/31/23 1:19 PM
Responsible Unit
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Office of Human Resources
Issuing Officer
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Issuing Officer Title
Title of the person who is primarily responsible for issuing this policy.
Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
02/14/2019 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
02/14/2017 12:00 AM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
02/14/2017 12:00 AM
Effective Date
If the date on which this document became/becomes enforceable differs from the Origination or Last Revision, this attribute reflects the date on which it is/was enforcable.
02/14/2017 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
10/01/1953 12:00 AM