603.6 - Procedure for Transfer of Capital Equipment to Other Institutions


This Procedure explains how the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("UNC-Chapel Hill" or "University") transfers ownership of Capitalized Equipment to other institutions.



University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Finance Procedure 603.6 - Procedure for Transfer of Capital Equipment to Other Institutions



This Procedure explains how the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("UNC-Chapel Hill" or "University") transfers ownership of Capitalized Equipment to other institutions.


This Procedure applies to all University employees.


University equipment can be acquired through a variety of funding sources. As such, approval channels for transfer of equipment to other institutions will vary. The approval process requires approximately sixty days lead time to complete.

IMPORTANT: Transfers to UNC Hospitals, UNC System Office, WUNC-TV, and Student Activities are handled in the same manner as transfers to other institutions.

The University adheres to the following procedures regarding transfer of ownership of equipment, or temporary loan of equipment, owned by UNC-Chapel Hill. Equipment owned by UNC-Chapel Hill may not be transferred from the university equipment inventory, except under the following conditions:

  • If an active contract or grant is being transferred to another academic institution, equipment purchased on that project may be transferred to the new institution in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract or grant. If the equipment was partially funded with appropriated project(s) funding sources, the appropriated project(s) must be compensated by the receiving institution at a rate commensurate with market value or an accepted appraisal (and in consultation with the unit where the equipment is located), prorated at the original contribution percentage.
  • Equipment purchased on a contract and grant trust fund project that is no longer active shall be disposed of in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant. Absent any applicable sponsor terms related to transfer or disposition, University Policy on Disposition / Retirement must be followed.
  • For sponsored awards that provide for equipment title to remain in the federal government, prior written approval must be received from the appropriate funding agency prior to the trade, transfer or disposition of equipment.
  • If equipment is no longer needed by the University, University Policy on Disposition / Retirement must be followed.

On a case-by-case basis, reimbursement of a portion of the acquisition costs may be negotiated. Negotiation will be documented and approved by Asset Management, and the following general requirements will apply:

  • Transfer of specialized research equipment purchased solely from external sources during the current grant period may be approved by the University if the receiving unit/institution provides all shipping or relocation costs and assumes all liability and maintenance responsibilities from the time the equipment is moved from its position in the University. University approval must be given jointly by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Asset Management.
  • If partial funding was derived from state sources, some repayment of state funds may be negotiated and approval by the Department of Administration’s Surplus Property Officer is required. Asset Management will coordinate and manage this process.
  • Transfer of general research equipment or of equipment purchased before the grant period will be allowed only if there is no substantial and documentable need within the Chair or Department Head approve.  Reimbursement of some part of state or other external agency funds used to acquire such equipment may be negotiated, and approval above the unit level may be required.
  • If transfer is not an approved arrangement for use of the equipment at NC State, loan of the equipment may be negotiated as described (see 603.7).
  • If the Principal Investigator on an external grant/contract transfers to another unit or institution, guidelines of the sponsoring agency must be adhered to, but additional requirements may be imposed by the University.
  • Equipment transfer always requires notification of the Asset Management and may require the approval at some administrative level beyond the University.
  • The equipment could not be released until the payment is received by State Surplus Property. Once payment is received, 87% of the amount is to be transferred to the department.



Forms and Instructions

Email a letter approved by your department head or chair to the Capital Asset & eProcurement/eCommerce Program Manager. The letter must be addressed to Director of eProcurement & Materials Management, Asset Management and describe the reason for transfer and include the following information :

  • Description of equipment including the manufacturer's name, model, and serial number
  • UNC-Chapel Hill decal number
  • Source of funds used to acquire the equipment
  • Acquisition date
  • Reimbursement amount requested from receiving institution
  • Contact information for the receiving institution

General purpose equipment or supplies, such as copiers and office calculators, desks and chairs are not usually transferred. If the department can no longer use this type of equipment, it should be sent to University Surplus for disposal or recycling. See UNC-Chapel Hill Finance Procedure 604.1 - Procedure on Disposing of University-Owned Surplus Property. Computer equipment transfer requests require approval from ITS Security. Equipment transferred out of the country requires approval from Environmental Health and Safety. See the "Transporting Research Materials" page on the EHS website for additional guidance .

Additional documentation required depends on how the equipment was originally funded.

State-owned equipment requires the following steps:

  1. Asset Management will verify the details of the above request and forward to State Surplus Property for approval.
  2. Reimbursement will normally be required from the receiving institution. Asset Management will notify the requestor of the final decision with further instructions. Equipment will not be released until reimbursement is received.
    • Additional documentation for equipment still owned and controlled by an active grant requires the following step:
  3. Approval from OSP and the granting agency providing original funding. Asset Management will contact OSP on your behalf and notify you if additional documentation is required.

Asset Management will notify the requestor of the final decision with further instructions.

If a dean or department head feels the proposed transfer of grant-funded property would seriously hinder other research or training, the dean or department head may submit in writing the justification for that position to OSP for consideration.

At the end of the approval process for all equipment transfers, a completed Finance Form 603.5.1f - Capital Equipment Relocation Form is required to be submitted to Asset Management with the decal or bar code attached. Approval signatures and transfer approval correspondence must be submitted with the form. Asset Management will update the department asset inventories upon receipt of this documentation.

Related Requirements

University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Contact Information

Primary Contact


Revised: 3/16/2023, 7/17/2009, 12/14/2007



Article ID: 131678
Thu 4/8/21 9:14 PM
Mon 4/17/23 12:59 PM
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Director, eProcurement and Materials Management
Next Review
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04/17/2025 12:00 AM
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04/17/2023 12:00 AM
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07/17/2009 12:00 AM
Effective Date
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07/17/2009 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
07/01/2002 12:00 AM