Vendor Inquiries to University Career Services


Vendor Inquiries to University Career Services


Products and Services

Thank you for contacting University Career Services for consideration of your product or service. The Career Center receives many requests from vendors to take advantage of their career-related products or services. Therefore, we have developed a centralized review process. To have your product or service considered, please complete our vendor form.

Only vendors who have completed the form in its entirety will be considered. Vendor requests are reviewed by the Leadership Team three time per year with the Summer time being reserved to do the bulk of the reviews. On rare exceptions, vendor requests can be reviewed outside of our normal schedule. Vendors will be contacted with a decision following product review and discussion.

Request to Add Online Resources

University Career Services regularly evaluates its online resources for usefulness and usability for our clients. If you would like for your organization's link to be considered for inclusion on our website, please review our online resource page here and complete the online questionnaire. Your questionnaire will be reviewed by a committee that meets monthly for the purpose of evaluating online resources. You will be notified of our decision at that time.



Article ID: 135393
Mon 8/23/21 11:02 AM
Wed 9/1/21 2:20 PM
Responsible Unit
School, Department, or other organizational unit issuing this document.
University Career Services
Issuing Officer
Name of the document Issuing Officer. This is the individual whose organizational authority covers the policy scope and who is primarily responsible for the policy.
Issuing Officer Title
Title of the person who is primarily responsible for issuing this policy.
Senior Associate Director | External Relations and Assessments Director
Policy Contact
Person who handles document management. Best person to contact for information about this policy. In many cases this is not the Issuing Officer. It may be the Policy Liaison, or another staff member.
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
05/01/2022 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
08/23/2021 12:00 AM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
08/23/2021 12:00 AM
Effective Date
If the date on which this document became/becomes enforceable differs from the Origination or Last Revision, this attribute reflects the date on which it is/was enforcable.
08/23/2021 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
08/23/2021 12:00 AM