School of Nursing: Carrington Grants/Leave Supported by Carrington Funds


School of Nursing faculty may apply for a grant supported by Carrington Funds. The overall objective of the Carrington Fund is "to help maintain a superior School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill" (will of Dr. George L. Carrington who died Jan. 24, 1972). Faculty established guidelines for implementation of the Carrington Grant Fund. Grants are given for both scholarly work* and enrichment**.


Unit Standard


School of Nursing: Standard On Carrington Grants



To be evaluated at next review.


To be evaluated at next review.


  1. School of Nursing faculty may apply for a grant supported by Carrington Funds. The overall objective of the Carrington Fund is "to help maintain a superior School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill" (will of Dr. George L. Carrington who died Jan. 24, 1972). Faculty established guidelines for implementation of the Carrington Grant Fund. Grants are given for both scholarly work* and enrichment**.
    1. General policies regarding these grants include the following provisions:
      1. Faculty who are full-time and hold either a tenure track or a fixed term appointment are eligible for consideration for a Carrington Grant.
      2. Carrington Grants will be approved only for those who have been full-time members of the faculty for at least five years, and have not had a paid leave in the past five years.
      3. Doctoral study may be funded when the applicant has his/her doctoral committee's consensus that the doctorate can be completed during the time provided by the Carrington Grant.
      4. A Carrington Grant can provide funds equivalent to the individual's full salary for half of the year, or to half of the individual's salary for one full year.
      5. Carrington Grant activities will be considered as part of assigned work for purposes of evaluation. Any faculty receiving a Carrington Grant will be treated as all other faculty in consideration of salary increases.
    2. When the Carrington Committee evaluates the Carrington Grant applications, merit will be the first priority. When proposals are of equal merit, longevity in the School of Nursing will be considered. Merit criteria include:
      1. Potential for contribution to the School of Nursing in maintaining a superior school.
      2. Potential for contribution to the overall mission and goals of the School and the University.
      3. Potential for contribution to the profession.
      4. Past contributions of the individual faculty to the School of the Nursing.
      5. Potential to accomplish the objectives of the proposal within the time frame.
    3. The recipient of the grant shall be accountable by:
      1. Submitting a brief written report to the recipient's Associate Dean and the Carrington Travel and Leave Committee no later than one month before the annual evaluation following completion of the leave period. This report should include information on personal, school, and nursing benefits gained from having received the grant.
      2. Continuing in the service to the School for the equivalent of at least two years full time following the grant period.
    4. Application process for a Carrington Grant:
      1. The application should be submitted in one electronic document (all elements in section D.2) to the chairperson of the Carrington Committee no later than April 30th of 2024 and March 1st in subsequent years, prior to the fiscal year in which the grant will take place.
      2. Applications should include the following:
        1. Address your contributions outlined in Section B. Include a detailed description and timeline of the work to be undertaken, the rationale for the request and the length of time the work should take.
        2. If the leave is for the completion of doctoral studies, the application must include a letter from the applicant's doctoral program adviser confirming that there is consensus among the applicant's doctoral committee that the program can be completed during the leave period
        3. A list of leaves and grants previously awarded and used, if any. Include these items in a separate list even if the information is included in the curriculum vitae.
        4. A description of any other sources of funding to be used for the designated time period. Include a separate description even if the information is included in the curriculum vitae.
        5. A curriculum vitae.
        6. A statement from the administrative person to whom the applicant is immediately responsible that addresses the criteria in Section B.4 and B.5, indicates their support of the grant and how they propose the School of Nursing work usually assigned to the individual will be carried on.
      3. Initial review and recommendations regarding the awarding of Carrington Grants will be made by the Carrington Committee. Verification of personnel information such as length of School of Nursing service, previous grants and leaves granted and salary must be made through the Dean's Office.
      4. The Carrington Committee will submit their recommendations along with all of the submitted applications to the Dean.
      5. Final approval will be given by the Dean. Individuals will be notified of the decision by letter with a copy sent to the Carrington Committee.
      6. Any individual unable to use allocated Carrington Funds should notify the Carrington Committee.
  2. Changes in guidelines for use of Carrington Grants will be approved by the faculty. The guidelines should be reviewed every two years.

* Scholarly work is defined as activities that have a final, scholarly work as the eventual end product. This includes the initiation or completion of a research project, the writing of a major grant proposal, writing a theoretical work, major paper or book, or a media product.

**Enrichment is defined as those activities which allow faculty to take courses, work on special projects, or engage in other such activities which will ultimately enhance the teaching or research mission of the school. Enrichment activities are those that focus on updating faculty in new or advanced areas of knowledge or clinical practice.



Contact Information

Primary Contact

Carol Durham

Other Contacts


Important Dates

  • Effective Date and title of Approver: 12/9/1991 approved by the faculty
  • Revised: 4/19/2010 by the Faculty Executive Committee
  • Revised: 11/2014
  • Revised: 11/2015

Approved by:

SeonAe Yeo

Carrington Leave/Travel Committee Chair



Article ID: 132406
Thu 4/8/21 9:30 PM
Sun 5/19/24 8:53 PM
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School of Nursing
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02/28/2027 12:00 AM
Last Review
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02/29/2024 12:00 AM
Last Revised
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11/01/2015 12:00 AM
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11/01/2015 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
12/09/1991 12:00 AM