School of Nursing: Policy On NRSA Proposals


To describe support for writing and management of National Research Service Awards (NRSAs). To clarify distribution of the institutional allowance allocation on NRSA (F31) awards. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) intends that the "allowance defray expenses for the individual fellow such as research supplies, equipment, travel to scientific meetings, and health insurance and to otherwise offset, insofar as possible, appropriate administrative costs of training.


Unit Policy


School of Nursing: Policy On NRSA Proposals



To describe support for writing and management of National Research Service Awards (NRSAs). To clarify distribution of the institutional allowance allocation on NRSA (F31) awards. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) intends that the "allowance defray expenses for the individual fellow such as research supplies, equipment, travel to scientific meetings, and health insurance and to otherwise offset, insofar as possible, appropriate administrative costs of training. Funds are paid directly to and administered by the sponsoring institution."

Scope of Applicability

Applies to all School of Nursing students who are eligible to apply for and/or receive an NRSA (F31).


The following policies provide guidelines for preparing NRSA proposals, for management of NRSAs after an award has been received, and for allocation of the $4200 NRSA institutional allowance. Since NRSAs are awarded on an annual basis, these policies apply to initial and continuation awards.

Preparation and Support for Writing NRSA (F31) Proposals


An infrastructure is available to support students in submitting an F31, in a collaboration among the Associate Dean (PhD Division and Program), PhD Executive Committee, the Associate Dean for Research (ADR), and the Office of Research Support & Consultation (RSC) F31 research consultant. The components of this infrastructure are accomplished as a collaboration among the faculty, students and these interested groups. The intent of the F31 infrastructure is to facilitate students in gaining the necessary skills to submit a high-quality F31 proposal within the first 18 months of their PhD program. The structure has been developed so that both students and faculty sponsors receive optimal support for proposal development. Activities will occur in three parallel strands, ending in submission of an outstanding NRSA (F31) or R36 (dissertation grant). The focus is on F31 and R36 writing because of the need for students to become familiar with Federal and NIH writing guidelines. However, foundation grants are also supported. The major supports include:

  • A proposal development and writing courses, Scientific Reasoning I - IV (NUR 903, 904, 905, 906)
  • A training plan development and writing proseminar, Nurs 968
  • Continuous oversight and facilitation by the sponsor/co-sponsors of the F31
  • Guidance and consultation to the student/faculty teams on proposal writing from the RSC F31 research consultant
  • Support from the Associate Dean for Research and the Office of Research Support & Consultation.
Student Requirements
  1. Courses and Discussion Groups. Completion of required course (Scientific Reasoning 1 - IV, NUR 903, 904, 905,906) and recommended course (Nurs 968)
  2. Mentoring. Student develops proposal drafts with guidance of PhD research advisor, primary faculty sponsor(s) and consultation from F31 RSC consultant.
  3. Submission Support. At least 6 months prior to planned submission date the student will work with the RSC Director and primary sponsor (or faculty research advisor) to create a timeline of submission activities. The timeline assumes that courses are being completed or have been completed. Two key requirements on the timeline are a review of the proposal by the ADR and a mock review. After approval by the primary mentor and the RSC consultant, the ADR will review the proposal prior to distribution to the members of the mock review team. The mock review team will include the faculty sponsor(s), ADR, F31 research consultant, and other faculty with expertise in the student's area of inquiry. Once finalized, the RSC will submit the application through the University Office of Sponsored Research (OSR).

Allocation of NRSA Institutional Allowance

NRSAs provide funds in two categories: a student stipend of $24,324 (as of 2018) and an institutional allowance of $4200 (as of 2018). The stipend is awarded to the student for student support. The institutional allowance is awarded to the sponsoring institution for broad purposes the institution deems appropriate and needed.

The initial and continuation NRSA institutional allowances are allocated as follows: $400 of each student's institutional allowance is allocated to the T32 account within the PhD Program office for administrative assistant salary, and PhD program events (i.e. PhD Milestones & Orientation/Bootcamp.) The remainder is available to the student/fellow for other expenses (i.e. Health insurance)..

Management of NRSA (F31) or R36 Dissertation Grants

  1. Upon notification of grant award, OSR assigns each NRSA two account numbers — one for the student stipend and one for the institutional allowance.
  2. The award account is administered by the student recipient, with guidance provided by the faculty sponsor and oversight provided by the Grants Manager. Student stipends ($24,816 per year) are disbursed monthly in twelve equal payments. The student recipient should see the Grants Manager who will initiate stipend payments once the award account is established by OSR.
  3. The institutional allowance account is administered by the Grants Manager as follows:
    1. The student award recipient may request expenditures against the account in the amount of $3,800 annually. Such requests are submitted to the Grants Manager for approval based on availability of funds and appropriateness of the expenditure. (Travel authorization and travel reimbursement forms are completed by the student before forwarding to the Grants Manager.)
    2. The Associate Dean for the PhD Division and Program approves all expenditures from the Graduate Studies Office allocation and forwards such requests to the Grants Manager for final approval and processing. Doctoral students can apply to the Associate Dean, PhD Division and Program for support of approved activities.
  4. The Grants Manager will only process requests for expenditures against the institutional allowance accounts that have been approved by the Associate Dean for the PhD Division and Program and/or the RSC.
  5. The Grants Manager provides a monthly summary of the institutional allowance accounts' transactions and balances to the Associate Dean for the PhD Division and Program and the ADR. The Grants Manager also provides a biannual (January 1 and July 1) summary of the institutional allowance accounts' transactions and balance to the Associate Dean for Administration and the Dean.
  6. The Grants Manager provides a report of each F31 recipient's tuition, fee, and stipend support to the Student Services Manager by August 25th and January 10th each year.

Continuation of NRSA Awards

NRSAs are funded on an annual basis. A Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) is due to the funding agency 460 days before the next budget period start date. The RPPR will describe scientific progress, identify significant changes, report on personnel, and describe plans for the subsequent budget period or year. The RPPR will be prepared by the fellow, sponsor, and the RSC and then submitted by OSR through the eRA Commons. The interim RPPR are accessed through the eRA Commons RPPR tab or the Status tab. The Final RPPR link will become available through the xTRAIN module once the grant is eligible for closeout.

  1. The PI/Fellow will receive an automated email notification of the upcoming RPPR deadlines and the RSC keeps a running list of expected due dates.
  2. RSC provides assistance with continuation proposals.



Related Requirements

External Regulations and Consequences

National Institutes of Health, NIH Grants Policy Statement, "Chapter 11: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards, 11.2 - Individual Fellowships."

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Jennifer Leeman, Associate Dean for Research

Other Contacts


Important Dates

  • Effective Date and title of Approver: 11/2019
  • Revised: 7/9/1993
  • Revised 11/6/2019



Article ID: 132378
Thu 4/8/21 9:30 PM
Mon 11/13/23 2:04 PM
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School of Nursing
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12/18/2022 12:00 AM
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12/18/2020 7:54 AM
Last Revised
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12/18/2020 7:54 AM
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12/18/2020 7:54 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
10/01/1991 12:00 AM

