UNC Police: General Order 03-18R4 - Leave Requests


The purpose of this general order (G.O.) is to provide requirements to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) Police Departmental personnel for submitting requests for leave. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Police Department (UNC-CH Police Department) recognizes that employees are eligible to utilize accumulated vacation and sick leave.



UNC Police: General Order 03-18R4 - Leave Requests

Document Information

Document Information Table
Subject Leave Requests
Date August 21, 2020
Number 03-18R4
Amends April 7, 2017
Supersedes 03-18R3
Approved by Brian L. James, Chief of Police
CALEA Standards 22.1.2 Leave Program
CALEA Communications Standard 3.2.2 Leave Program


The purpose of this general order (G.O.) is to provide requirements to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) Police Departmental personnel for submitting requests for leave.


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Police Department (UNC-CH Police Department) recognizes that employees are eligible to utilize accumulated vacation and sick leave.

Units Affected

UNC-CH Police Department Sworn and Non-Sworn Personnel


  • State of North Carolina State Human Resources Manual - Separation, Section 11 (August 4, 2016)
  • UNC-CH Police Department General Order 04-01 Patrol Operations
  • UNC-CH Police Department General Order 11-11 Communications Attendance Policy
  • UNC-CH Police Department Leave Request Form
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Leave, Paid Time Off, Payouts & Transfer Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Administrative Absence Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Accruals & Payouts for Certain Leave/PTO Programs Form
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Bonus Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Civil Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Community Service Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave Form
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Educational Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Family Illness Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Family & Medical Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Family & Medical Leave Military Caregiver/Qualifying Exigency Form
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Family & Medical Leave Military Caregiver/Qualifying Exigency Leave
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Hunan Resources Family & Medical Leave Request Form
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Family & Medical Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Holidays and & Holiday Pay Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Leave/PTO Payouts & Transfers for SHRA Terminations
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Leave Without Pay for SHRA Employees Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Medical Certification - Employee Form
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Medical Certification - Family Member
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Military Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Pandemic & Communicable Disease Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Sick Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Vacation Leave for SHRA Employees Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Office of Human Resources Voluntary Shared Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Overtime & Compensatory Time Off for SHRA Non-Exempt Employees Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Paid Parental Leave Policy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Paid Parental Leave University Procedure
  • University of North Carolina System Office Policy on Paid Parental Leave

Definitions and Descriptions

SHRA Employee: State Human Resource Act Employee.

Time Information Management (TIM) System: Official time capturing system utilized to track SHRA employee hours for accurate calculation of payments as well as to track leave for accurate records for SHRA employees.


  1. UNC-CH Police Department employees must submit a written request (UNC-CH Police Department Leave Request form) for use of accumulated vacation leave at least 24 hours prior to the tour of duty or day that the employee wishes to miss. If an employee must utilize sick leave, or cannot give 24 hours notification because of an emergency, then the prescribed notification must be at least two (2) hours prior to the start of their tour of duty.
  2. Only the employee’s immediate supervisor (or the applicable division commander or the ranking on-duty supervisor in their absence) are authorized to approve a UNC-CH Police Department employee’s leave requests. All leave requests must be maintained as a permanent record. Supervisors must utilize the UNC-CH Time Information Management (TIM) system to document and record the leave taken with the employee’s time record.
  3. When more employees request leave for a specified period than may be accommodated, supervisors must approve the first request received. If more than one (1) request is received at the same time, employees with the most UNC-CH Police Department seniority receive approval.
  4. Supervisors must make every effort to grant an employee’s leave request, but certain circumstances of the work situation may make it necessary to deny a specific leave request. Reasons for denial must be specified by the supervisor and provided in writing to the employee. Examples of reasons for denial typically include, but are not limited to:
    1. The maximum number of UNC-CH officers have already requested time off for personal reasons;
    2. Officers are already scheduled off to attend training; or
    3. Mandatory special event.
  5. Supervisors must ensure that employees take their leave time in the following manner: compensatory time, travel time, and equal time off (ETO) is utilized, in that order, before the employee uses their earned vacation time. Time designated as sick leave by the employee will not be re-coded.
  6. UNC-CH Police supervisors may ask personnel to take compensatory time off within one (1) year of the earned date unless extenuating circumstances prevent them from doing so. However, there is not a University policy that mandates that an employee is required to take earned compensatory time off.



Article ID: 132111
Thu 4/8/21 9:24 PM
Fri 10/6/23 4:31 PM
Responsible Unit
School, Department, or other organizational unit issuing this document.
UNC Police
Issuing Officer
Name of the document Issuing Officer. This is the individual whose organizational authority covers the policy scope and who is primarily responsible for the policy.
Issuing Officer Title
Title of the person who is primarily responsible for issuing this policy.
Chief of Police
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
11/01/2024 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
08/04/2023 4:15 PM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
09/16/2020 4:15 PM
Effective Date
If the date on which this document became/becomes enforceable differs from the Origination or Last Revision, this attribute reflects the date on which it is/was enforcable.
09/16/2020 4:15 PM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
04/07/2017 12:00 AM