No Smoking Policy
Policy Statement
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the “University”) is dedicated to maintaining a healthy work and learning environment free from the potential health hazards from exposure to smoke or vapor.
The terms "smoking, smoke, or smokes" include the use of lighted tobacco products (e.g. cigarettes, cigars, hookah), and any electronic cigarette, vaping device, or other electronic delivery system which simulates tobacco smoking by producing an aerosol resembling smoke.
To provide faculty, staff, students, and visitors with a smoke-free, vapor-free environment in which to work and learn:
- The University prohibits smoking inside its buildings and facilities and in State-owned vehicles.
- The use of lighted tobacco products (e.g. cigarettes, cigars, hookah) is prohibited in the outdoor areas controlled by the University up to 100 feet from University facilities, according to the map (see below).
- Electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, or other electronic delivery system which simulates tobacco smoking by producing an aerosol resembling smoke are prohibited in outdoor areas controlled by the university up to 25 feet from University facilities.
- The use of lighted tobacco products (e.g. cigarettes, cigars, hookah) is also prohibited throughout Kenan Woods (the wooded area between Kenan Stadium and Campus Health Services) and within 50 feet of the area surrounding Kenan Woods.
The practical effect of this policy is that the campus is smoke free. The University supports employees’ and students’ efforts to quit smoking and offers resources for smoking cessation as indicated on both the Environment, Health and Safety website and the Campus Health Services website.
This policy applies to all University visitors, patients, students, and employees, including faculty, staff, and student employees. It is the responsibility of every member of the University community to conduct himself or herself in compliance with this policy.
The University will post signs about the policy appropriately throughout campus. Additional information can be printed out from the websites listed above and shared with anyone who has questions about this policy.
Smoking must not occur within the no smoking areas as designated by signage. All smoking materials must be disposed of in the appropriate receptacles. Both an interactive and PDF map (linked in the "Attachments" section, below) are available to indicate the no smoking areas.
Visitors, patients, and students who violate the no smoking policy should be reminded of the policy and asked to comply by putting out the lighted tobacco product or putting away the electronic cigarette/vaping device, or other electronic smoking simulation device. If a student refuses to comply with the policy, the Dean of Students’ office should be contacted. That office will follow up with the student regarding the policy and available resources.
Any University employee who violates the no smoking policy should be reminded of the policy and asked to comply by putting out the lighted tobacco product or putting away the electronic cigarette/vaping device, or other electronic smoking simulation device. If an employee refuses to comply with the policy, the departmental representative will notify the immediate supervisor of the noncompliant employee. The immediate supervisor will follow-up with the employee to remind him/her about the policy and available resources. Continuing violations may also result in appropriate corrective action under the applicable disciplinary policy.
Additionally, UNC Police may issue citations to anyone who violates this policy. Citations result in a fine of up to $25 and may result in additional court costs as well.”
Department/Unit Procedures
All University departments and work units must establish procedures that include identification of the employee(s) responsible for understanding the policy, being able to educate visitors, patients, students, and employees, and assisting in enforcement, as needed. The Office of Human Resources can assist departments in developing their procedures.
Contact Information
Policy Contact
Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507