Purchasing Office notifies EHS when orders are placed. LSO will maintain a central inventory of lasers on campus. ALUs are required to report acquisition or fabrication of such devices to the EHS by completing schedule E of Laboratory Safety plan. Annual inventories of all lasers will be conducted by LSO. Contact LSO before transferring or disposing of any lasers.
Laser Safety Manual - Chapter 09: Laser Acquisitions, Inventory and Disposal of Class 3b and 4 Lasers
- Purchasing Office notifies EHS when orders are placed.
- LSO will maintain a central inventory of lasers on campus.
- ALUs are required to report acquisition or fabrication of such devices to the EHS by completing schedule E of Laboratory Safety plan.
- Annual inventories of all lasers will be conducted by LSO.
- Contact LSO before transferring or disposing of any lasers.
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