Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 04.11: Fire Safety - Obtaining Approval of the Use of Pyrotechnics


The UNC-Chapel Hill Environment, Health and Safety Office is responsible for planning, coordinating, and monitoring the fire safety program for the University. Any University facility manager desiring to utilize pyrotechnics, either directly or by arrangement with non-University personnel or entities, must demonstrate satisfactory evidence of qualification to use pyrotechnics and demonstrate a satisfactory level of safety of the proposed use of pyrotechnics.



Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 04.11: Fire Safety - Obtaining Approval of the Use of Pyrotechnics


The UNC-Chapel Hill Environment, Health and Safety Office is responsible for planning, coordinating, and monitoring the fire safety program for the University. Any University facility manager desiring to utilize pyrotechnics, either directly or by arrangement with non-University personnel or entities, must demonstrate satisfactory evidence of qualification to use pyrotechnics and demonstrate a satisfactory level of safety of the proposed use of pyrotechnics before approval to use pyrotechnics on the University campus is granted. No pyrotechnic use will occur without a permit issued by the Fire Marshal in accordance with the procedures set forth below.


Submit the following information at least fifteen (15) working days in advance of the event to the University’s Fire Marshal:

  • Letter of intent to use pyrotechnics.
  • Bonds or certificates of insurance for general liability covering all non-University pyrotechnic companies and pyrotechnicians in a minimum amount of $1,000,000 per person/per occurrence.
  • Names, dates of birth, qualifications, work experience, and copies of all required licenses for all pyrotechnicians who will be using pyrotechnics on the University campus. Copies of all federal and state licenses for the pyrotechnic company.
  • A proposed traffic and crowd control plan.
  • Detailed descriptive list of all pyrotechnics to be used including how discharged, amount utilized from each display site, total amount for the venue, and storage method and location for the single or multiple day event.
  • Detailed facility site plan for the event showing the location of the stage, seating, safety buffer zone, portable fire extinguishers, and public egress routes.
  • Statement from UNC-CH Police Chief approving the traffic and crowd control plan and agreeing to provide law enforcement or security services during the display.
  • Statement from Chapel Hill Fire Chief agreeing to provide fire personnel for the venue and approving the traffic and crowd control plan. Numbers and placement of fire personnel are at the discretion of the Chapel Hill Fire Department. The Chapel Hill Fire Chief may designate a UNC-CH Environment, Health and Safety Office representative to serve as the Fire Official at the display.
  • Statement from South Orange Rescue Squad agreeing to provide personnel during the display.
  • Arrange for testing, utilizing all pyrotechnic discharge sites at the location where the event will be held, with the stage and all related equipment in place. University Environment, Health and Safety Office and Chapel Hill Fire Department representatives must be present at the testing. The test shall provide for a representative demonstration of the pyrotechnic devices that are to be used during the performance. If, in the opinion of the fire officials, any device is unsafe for the proposed location and proximity to the audience, it fails the test. Devices, which fail the test, must be excluded from the performance. The permit issued will indicate devices which are to be excluded.
  • Provide communications between the pyrotechnician and standby Fire Official.
  • The Fire Officials will determine that the requested display meets all applicable North Carolina Fire Prevention Code Section 20 Fireworks and National Fire Protection Association Standards #1123 and #1126 Fireworks regulations. Upon demonstration that all requirements have been met, based on the information provided to it, the University’s Environment, Health and Safety Office will recommend to the Chapel Hill Fire Department Fire Marshal that the permit be issued.

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507

Back to Chapter 04.10 - Fire and Life Safety Coordination

Proceed to Chapter 04.12 - Managing Fire Alarms



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