Recruitment Advertising


The Office of Human Resources (OHR) posts all active SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty position openings with the State's minimum requirements and, as appropriate, any additional position requirements listed by the hiring department. OHR also publishes a job listing of open SHRA positions under active recruitment.


University Policy


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Recruitment Advertising



The Office of Human Resources (OHR) posts all active SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty position openings with the State's minimum requirements and, as appropriate, any additional position requirements listed by the hiring department. OHR also publishes a job listing of open SHRA positions under active recruitment.

The Staff Openings List serves as a recruitment tool and satisfies State and Federal recruitment requirements. It is published every Wednesday, and is posted at the Office of Human Resources, Administrative Office Building, 104 Airport Drive, Chapel Hill, NC. The Staff Openings List is also updated nightly on the OHR website. The University's Academic Personnel Office posts all Faculty openings with position details on-line.

Common advertising options for Faculty and EHRA Non-Faculty positions include national or regional professional journals and newspapers, letters/announcements to schools, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Diverse Issues in Higher Education. In addition, the EOC Office has purchased a membership subscription to the National Minority Faculty ID Program. Publication dates for national and professional journals will need to be considered to ensure the application deadline is 30 to 45 days after the print advertisement appears; Employment & Staffing will confirm those deadlines for the requesting school/department. For positions that are "open until filled," this is not an issue.


Within OHR, Employment & Staffing is responsible for external placement of all SHRA permanent and temporary recruitment advertisements on behalf of UNC-Chapel Hill, including recruitment advertisements from all schools and departments within the University. Advertisement in any medium must be approved in advance by OHR/Employment & Staffing.

Upon request from schools or departments, Employment & Staffing also places external recruitment advertisements for Faculty and EHRA Non- Faculty and EHRA temporary employment opportunities. When advertisements for Faculty, EHRA Non-Faculty, or EHRA temporary advertisements are to be placed in advertising venues other than the University's own website, the proposed advertisements must be attached to a copy of posting in PeopleAdmin.


Policy Statement

Advertising Resources

Careers at Carolina

All permanent positions are posted on the University's website. Both internal and external applicants apply through the online application system.

  • External Advertising: To enhance and diversify the applicant pool it may be necessary to advertise beyond the University website. Advertising options include print ads, Internet postings, professional listservs, professional journals, and non-profit organizations. All advertising costs are the responsibility of the hiring department.
  • Diversity: The University recognizes the value of a diverse workforce. The University encourages placement of recruitment advertising in publications with a focus on diversity. OHR provides local organizations with university job information and networks with various on-campus organizations and off-campus community groups and civic organizations to promote diversity in University employment.

Instructions for Placing an External Ad

The following instructions were developed to assist departments with submission of recruitment advertisements and ensure compliance with State requirements and University standards.

Deadlines for publications and media outlets may vary.

  1. Department contact completes Step 1 of the Recruitment Advertising Request Form (see link at right). Incomplete forms will result in advertising delays.
  2. Department contact submits the completed form to the Employment Consultant assigned to your department.
  3. The Employment Consultant assigned to your department reviews the ad copy, recommends revisions if necessary and requests a rate quote from the media outlet(s).
  4. The Employment Consultant provides the department contact with the rate quote for each ad type/media outlet, ad proof (if available), and publication date/deadline. The Employment Consultant returns the request form to the Department Contact for review and signature approval.
  5. The department contact accepts or rejects each ad type/media outlet in Section 2, signs, dates and PDFs the completed form to the Employment Consultant.
  6. Using the hiring department's P-Card information, the Employment Consultant places the approved ad(s) with the media outlet(s).

Pricing for External Ads

Employment & Staffng has negotiated contracts with top media outlets that give the University access to deeply discounted recruitment advertisement rates. Currently, the University is a contract advertiser with CareerBuilder, Monster and the News & Observer (N&O). Any UNC-Chapel Hill hiring department can have access to these reduced rates by placing an ad through Employment & Staffng.

  • CareerBuilder: $225 per 30-day posting (includes comprehensive Diversity package). This provides a significant savings from the standard rate.
  • Monster: $100 per 30-day posting (includes Diversity Network package). This provides a significant savings from the standard rate.
  • HERC and Inside Higher Ed are integrated with People Admin and departments are able to select which categories are relevant to their job postings. There are no additional fees for a standard advertisement.
  • Craigslist: $25.00 per selected category to place web-only recruitment ads for 30 days.
  • Other Publications/Media: Pricing is based on current market rates and varies by media outlet.

Related Subjects

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Office of Human Resources
CB #1045
UNC-Chapel Hill
104 Airport Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
(919) 843-2300




Article ID: 131809
Thu 4/8/21 9:17 PM
Thu 3/21/24 2:00 PM
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Office of Human Resources
Issuing Officer
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Issuing Officer Title
Title of the person who is primarily responsible for issuing this policy.
Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
07/01/2019 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
07/01/2014 12:00 AM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
07/01/2014 12:00 AM
Effective Date
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07/01/2014 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
06/01/1985 12:00 AM