EHRA Non-Faculty Senior Academic Administrative Officers (SAAO) Positions


All positions to be classified as SAAO must be approved by the Office of Human Resources and The UNC System. These approvals therefore require a longer period of time than an EHRA Research or Instructional position. To ensure a department does not unnecessarily invest a large amount of time going through the SAAO classification process, and thereby delaying recruitment, extra care should be exercised before presuming a position qualifies for SAAO status.



EHRA Non-Faculty Senior Academic Administrative Officers (SAAO) Positions


Policy Statement

General Minimum Education & Experience Requirements

Position qualifying for designation as Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs) are specifically identified below or characterized by the duties and responsibilities noted:

The chancellor, vice chancellors, provost, deans, and the directors of major administrative, educational, research and public services activities of the University designated by the Board of Governors.

Associate and assistant vice chancellors and associate and assistant deans. The UNC System has also clarified that this also includes other derivations of the preceding titles including vice deans, executive associate deans, senior associate deans, and assistant and associate provosts.

"Other Officers" to include:

  • members of the chancellor's professional staff;
  • those responsible for the administrative direction of separately designated divisions or departments of institutional activity commonly associated with institutions of higher education;
  • those positions whose primary responsibility is to attract external funds for and/or market the University; and,
  • other officers holding positions characterized by active, continuing involvement in formulating, interpreting, and implementing institutional policy and exercising substantial independence of administrative authority and discretion in areas such as program planning and design and allocation of resources.

All positions to be classified as SAAO must be approved by the Office of Human Resources and The UNC System. These approvals therefore require a longer period of time than an EHRA Research or Instructional position. To ensure a department does not unnecessarily invest a large amount of time going through the SAAO classification process, and thereby delaying recruitment, extra care should be exercised before presuming a position qualifies for SAAO status.

Note: SAAO positions may only be appointed as "at-will" employees and may not be appointed to "term" appointments as can EHRA Research or Instructional employees.

Listed below are the various individual sub-categories of SAAO positions and their respective specific criteria.

Communications & Marketing Directors


The position incumbent must be at the Director-level, have responsibility for marketing the University and its programs or services to external audiences, and must supervise one or more staff within the communications/marketing function or unit. These positions must direct the full range of strategic marketing/communication activities for the unit in question.

Marketing Assistants, Graphic Artists, Writers/Editors, Web managers, and other professional-level communications and marketing specialists who only have responsibility for a specific segment of the communications function as opposed to the broader scope of communications responsibilities and/or do not meet the organizational reporting criteria specified above do not qualify for SAAO status. In addition, the position must perform these duties at an institutional level (e.g. University Affairs), at a School-wide level residing in the immediate Office of a Dean, or at a free-standing University Center that is revenue supported.

Minimum Education & Experience

Relevant post-Baccalaureate degree required with three years or greater of related professional experience in marketing, communications, journalism, public affairs, or a related field; for candidates demonstrating comparable professional backgrounds, will accept a relevant undergraduate degree and five years or greater of relevant experience in substitution.

Note: Guidance was requested from the UNC System Office of the Associate Vice President for Human Resources in October, 2006 which confirmed the EHRA SAAO status of School-level Communications Directors reporting within the Office of Dean with responsibility for marketing the School-externally.

Fundraising & Development Officials


At least 50 percent of the position's work effort must involve directly soliciting prospective donors to the University for contributions or the position's principal duties must involve providing pan university expertise and services directly related to fundraising and development.

Such positions include annual giving, alumni giving, parent giving, corporate and foundation relations, industry relations, principal and capital giving, prospect management and analysis, prospect research and data analytics, stewardship, donor relations, gift planning and gift services. Positions whose principal duties involve supervision of Fundraising & Development Officers would likewise qualify for this classification. Positions that provide support to fundraising activities including special events planning / management or communications do not qualify for this classification.

Minimum Education & Experience

Minimum of a bachelor's degree required with related experience; specific minimum experience standards are at the discretion of the Department Head based on hiring market conditions and accepted professional standards of practice within the field. For positions with responsibility for direct solicitation of gifts and funds, a minimum of 1 year of professional-level, direct solicitation/fundraising experience is required.

All Other Senior Academic & Administrative Officers


The position incumbent typically either directs a University-wide office or serves as a principal deputy to such an individual.

These positions are characterized by active, continuing involvement in formulating, interpreting, and implementing institutional policy and exercising substantial independence of administrative authority and discretion in areas such as program planning and design and allocation of resources.

Note: Newly created or modified positions with a title of assistant and associate vice chancellor, assistant and associate provost, and assistant and associate dean require approval by the UNC System.

Minimum Education & Experience

Relevant post-Baccalaureate degree required with three years or greater of related professional experience; for candidates demonstrating comparable professional backgrounds, will accept a relevant undergraduate degree and five years or greater of relevant experience in substitution.

  • With the approval of the relevant Vice Chancellor or Dean, a Department Head may request approval of lesser minimum education or experience requirements from the UNC System. Such requests must document the specific business need or unique qualifications to support such a request and be exceptional in nature.
  • These minimum education and experience criteria do not apply to Vice Chancellors, Deans, or the Provost (SAAO Tier I positions) where minimum qualifications are at the discretion of the Chancellor in accord with relevant UNC System guidelines.
  • Department and School-level professional positions whose primary duties are management of financial/budget, grants, human resources, and facilities management activities or supervision of staff who coordinate such activities do not generally qualify for SAAO status absent an Assistant or Associate Dean designation. While such positions may have been previously approved and presently filled as EHRA under differing EHRA non-faculty classification guidelines, such positions will not be newly approved for EHRA non-faculty status.
  • Newly created Vice Chancellor positions must be approved by our campus Board of Trustees and the UNC System President prior to any appointment being conferred (see UNC System Policy # 600.3.4, Section D.1.b.).

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Policy Contact Information Table
Address Phone Number Email

Office of Human Resources

104 Airport Drive, CB #1045

Chapel Hill, NC 27599




Article ID: 131741
Thu 4/8/21 9:15 PM
Tue 10/31/23 1:19 PM
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Office of Human Resources
Issuing Officer
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Issuing Officer Title
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Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Next Review
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12/04/2018 12:00 AM
Last Review
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12/04/2017 12:00 AM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
12/04/2017 12:00 AM
Effective Date
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12/04/2017 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
12/04/2017 12:00 AM