1501.7 - Procedure on Travel Expenses and Reimbursements


This procedure outlines reconciliation and post-payment of applicable travel expenses for pre-approved University business travel.




This procedure outlines reconciliation and post-payment of applicable travel expenses for pre-approved University business travel.

Scope of Applicability

This procedure applies to all employees (faculty, staff, employed students, and senior University administrators) and non-employees (non-employed students, independent contractors, and University affiliates).


Employee travelers shall submit an expense report in Concur within 30 days after the travel period ends for which reimbursement is being requested. Expense Reports for overnight travel must be created from an approved Travel Request in Concur. Student travelers shall submit a travel reimbursement request in Web Travel within 30 days after the travel period ends for which reimbursement is being requested. All other non-employee travel reimbursements will be submitted and processed through Campus Voucher.

In order for travel expenses to be approved and processed, expenses must be properly substantiated. All itemized receipts and any supporting documentation must be attached to the Expense Report in Concur, travel reimbursement request in Web Travel, or Campus Voucher. Receipt requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • Airfare – itemized receipt or equivalent documentation showing the name of the traveler, itinerary, class flown, total cost charged, payment method.
  • Ground Transportation (i.e. taxi, shuttle, ride-share) – itemized receipt (if available) showing the total cost charged and payment method. Point of departure and destination must be explained in Concur if not included on the receipt.
  • Rental Vehicle – itemized receipt showing the name of the driver, vehicle class driven, vehicle class charged, all other services and fees charged, total cost charged, payment method.
  • Commercial Lodging – itemized receipt/folio showing the name of the traveler, number of guests, room rate, taxes/fees, other charges, total cost charged, payment method. Lodging expenses require itemization in Concur.
  • Third-Party Lodging – itemized receipt or equivalent documentation showing the name of the traveler, number of guests, room rate, taxes/fees, other charges, total cost charged, payment method.
  • Conference Registration – itemized receipt or equivalent documentation showing cost of registration, cost of optional social activities, total cost charged, payment method. Conference registration documentation must also include an agenda and list of meals provided (if applicable).
  • Business Meals – credit card receipt and itemized receipt from the establishment showing the time, date, and place of the meal, total cost charged, payment method. Business meals also require an explanation of the business purpose and a list of attendees (for meals of 8 or fewer attendees; if 9 or more attendees are present, the number of attendees may be provided). Business meals require itemization in Concur.

When original receipts have been lost or are otherwise unavailable, travelers must submit Finance Form 1252.3.1f - Missing Receipt Affidavit Form for all expenses exceeding $20. Missing Receipt Forms will be accepted for all expense types except Airfare, Lodging, Rental Cars, and Conference Registrations.

Travel Reimbursements

Travel Reimbursements are allowable out-of-pocket expenses to be paid to the traveler that were incurred while on business travel after the event has concluded. Reimbursements will be made at the amount authorized by State regulations, unless a higher allowance (excess subsistence) has been specifically approved.

Employee Travel Reimbursements

  • To complete a travel reimbursement, travelers can access Concur to create an Expense Report. All itemized receipts and any supporting documentation must be attached to the Expense Report in Concur.
  • Travelers are required to personally submit their own Expense Reports in Concur. Upon submission, travelers will be required to acknowledge their acceptance of the User Submit Agreement.
  • Traveler reimbursements are paid via electronic deposit to the traveler's bank account on file with Payroll Services.

Student Travel Reimbursements

  • To complete a travel reimbursement, departments can access Web Travel to create a Travel Reimbursement request. All itemized receipts and any supporting documentation may be attached in Web Travel.
  • Travelers are required to personally sign/date a Traveler Acknowledgement page when requesting a Travel Reimbursement. Acceptable signatures include personal signatures, AdobeSign, or UNC digital signature.
  • Traveler reimbursements are paid via electronic deposit to the traveler’s bank account (preferred) or by paper check if no banking account is provided.

Non-Employee Travel Reimbursements

  • To complete a travel reimbursement, departments can create a Campus Voucher in ConnectCarolina. All itemized receipts and any supporting documentation may be attached to the voucher.
  • Traveler reimbursements are paid via electronic deposit to the traveler’s bank account (preferred) or by paper check if no banking account is provided.

List of common non-reimbursable expenses (other exceptions may apply):

  • Cost for personal travel before or after business travel. (See Finance Policy 1501 - Policy on Business Travel for details).
  • Any expenses related to the personal negligence of the traveler, such as non-canceled hotel reservation.
  • Fines (including parking fines, speeding tickets, etc.).
  • Loss or damage expenses for personal property, such as lost or stolen articles, damage to personal vehicles, clothing, or other items.
  • Entertainment expenses, such as fees for social or non-mandatory activities at conferences (tours, sports activities, etc.), alcoholic beverages (never allowable from state funds or F&A funds), inordinately expensive meals and lodging, videos or movies charged to hotel/motel bills, etc.
  • Vehicle expenses (other than rental, mileage, parking, and tolls), such as charges to gain entry to a locked vehicle and towing charges.
  • Travel expenses (including childcare) related to family members or companions.
  • Expenses for accidents or injuries when the employee is not on official business.
  • Expenses related to care of the traveler's family or home (e.g., pet-sitting or house-sitting expenses).
  • Expenses to be paid by a third party.


Please refer to Finance Policy 1501 - Policy on Business Travel for a list of common definitions.

Related Requirements

External Regulations and Consequences

University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Contact Information

Policy Contacts
Subject Contact Telephone Fax Email
Travel Policy Travel Services 919-962-0210 919-962-2356 travel_team@unc.edu
Concur Support Desk https://go.unc.edu/concursupport      



Article ID: 131469
Thu 4/8/21 9:09 PM
Mon 2/26/24 1:59 PM
Responsible Unit
School, Department, or other organizational unit issuing this document.
Finance and Budget
Issuing Officer
Name of the document Issuing Officer. This is the individual whose organizational authority covers the policy scope and who is primarily responsible for the policy.
Issuing Officer Title
Title of the person who is primarily responsible for issuing this policy.
Travel and Payment Card Services Manager
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
08/01/2022 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
07/30/2021 12:00 AM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
07/30/2021 12:00 AM
Effective Date
If the date on which this document became/becomes enforceable differs from the Origination or Last Revision, this attribute reflects the date on which it is/was enforcable.
08/03/2021 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
08/02/2019 12:00 AM