Adams School of Dentistry: Standard for Written Assessment Administration and Security


The purpose of this Standard is to ensure efficient operations and academic integrity in the Adams School of Dentistry ("ASOD") assessment process. This Standard applies to all written assessments administered by the ASOD to its DDS and DH students.



Adams School of Dentistry: Standard for Written Assessment Administration and Security

Unit Standard

I. Introduction

A. Purpose

The purpose of this Standard is to ensure efficient operations and academic integrity in the Adams School of Dentistry ("ASOD") assessment process.

B. Scope of Applicability

This Standard applies to all written assessments administered by the ASOD to its DDS and DH students.

II. Standard

A. Instructor Preparation and Written Assessment Submission

  1. Instructors will provide all written assessments (e.g., quizzes and examinations) within the school-sponsored electronic testing software (i.e., examN by eMedley). Instructors will be notified by the appropriate Academic Support Center (ASC) team member at the start of each semester to ensure instructors have access to the electronic testing software. Requests to conduct a written assessment or a component of written assessment outside of the electronic software must be submitted to the Curriculum Committee for approval at least two (2) months prior to the release of the course syllabus.
  2. Instructors who are new users of the electronic testing software must complete the appropriate training sponsored by the ASC at least one (1) month prior to their first written assessment.
  3. Assessment formats that use case-based scenarios are especially encouraged. When possible, assessments should test not just mere retention of facts, but should test for comprehension, synthesis, and critical thinking. Case-based assessments test all these levels and provide practice in the format of the National Board Examinations (INBDE and NBDHE).
  4. Assessments should not include "type-K" (multiple multiple-choice) questions. (See: Burton, Sudweeks, Merrill, and Wood. "How to Prepare Better Multiple-Choice Test Items: Guidelines for University Faculty," (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Testing Services and The Department of Instructional Science, 1991): 13-14.
  5. Objective assessment items (multiple-choice, true/false, matching, etc.) should be analyzed and items with poor discrimination carefully considered for removal.
  6. Instructors must submit written assessment requests via email to Assessments must be submitted at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled administration date. Assessment submissions must use the appropriate template for formatting, which is available through the online portal. Submissions that do not meet this standard will not be provided technical or administrative support
  7. For students with accommodations, instructors must submit the final electronic assessment to the Accessibility Resources & Service (ARS) office at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled administration date. ASC team members are available to facilitate this process, when needed.
  8. Written assessments will follow INBDE Standards for administration timing. Current INBDE Standards allow for 1.05 minutes per multiple-choice item and 1.75 minutes per case-based questions. Current NBDHE Standards allow for 1.05 minutes per multiple-choice item and 1.6 minutes per case-based questions. The following are current recommendations for timing based on professional year:
Table 1 - Administration Time per Item by Type and Professional Year

Professional Year

Multiple Choice Item

Case-Based Item

Short Response (3-5 sentences*)

Essay (3 paragraphs*)


1.5 min

2.25 min

7 min

17 min


1.25 min

2 min

7 min

17 min


1.05 min

1.75 min

5 min

15 min


1.05 min

1.75 min

5 min

15 min

DH 1

1.25 min

2 min

7 min

17 min

DH 2

1.05 min

1.6 min

5 min

15 min

*Denotes ideal response length; time may need adjustment based on expected length.

B. Student Preparation for Written Assessments

  1. Students will complete all written assessments within the school-sponsored electronic testing software (i.e., exam by eMedley). Students must comply with the Adams School of Dentistry Choose Your Own Device Policy for use with the electronic testing software. It is strongly recommended that students bring their computer charger for testing sessions.
  2. Accessibility Resources & Service (ARS) supports the University's commitment to an accessible environment. In consultation with faculty, staff, and students, the department and ARS work to identify and eliminate barriers that limit a student's ability to meet the numerous demands of University life. ARS provides services and reasonable accommodations to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate/professional students with disabilities. More information about this office can be found on the ARS website. Students in need of testing accommodations must register with ARS at the beginning of each semester and schedule testing sessions at the ARS office. Students must notify ARS if they will be using their testing site at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled administration date.
  3. Students who are new users of the electronic testing software will be introduced to the electronic testing software during orientation sessions. Software introductions will be facilitated by an ASC team member where students must:
    1. Bring their laptop that complies with the Adams School of Dentistry Choose Your Own Device Policy;
    2. Download and install the electronic testing software;
    3. Complete a sample written assessment; and
    4. Confirm with the appropriate ASC team member they have completed all necessary steps. Students who encounter issues must immediately notify the ASC team member. All issues must be resolved prior to the first written assessment.
  4. Students must download a scheduled written assessment prior to arrival for the scheduled administration date. Students who do not comply with this standard may forfeit time allotted to complete the assessment.

C. Written Assessment Administration

  1. Prior to distribution of a written assessment, all extraneous materials must be deposited at the front of the room or other designated area. This includes (among others) tablets, backpacks, books, notes, hats, food and drinks, cellphones (turned off), smartwatches, or any similar electronic devices. After these items are deposited in the designated area, the items cannot be retrieved until the student completes and submits the test. If a student is found to possess any extraneous items during an assessment, the student will automatically fail the written assessment.
  2. Instructors are strongly encouraged consider assigned seating, with random arrangements for each written assessment. Assigned seating should be posted a few minutes before the assessment (e.g., available on a door or projected in the room). To minimize distraction, students should not be moved or permitted to move from their initial seat during the written assessment. 
  3. Instructors should select an appropriate venue for written assessment administration. Reservation requests should be submitted to the appropriate personnel within the first week of the semester. An appropriate location should address as many of the following as possible:
    1. Sufficient seating for all students with appropriate space between students;
    2. Visibility of all students by the proctor;
    3. Minimal opportunities for distraction (e.g., audio, visual, etc.);
    4. Sufficient electrical outlets for laptops (e.g., wall outlets, extension cords, etc.);
    5. Sufficient surfaces and space for laptops (e.g., tables, workbenches, etc.); and
    6. Electronic surveillance (e.g., cameras), when available.
  4. Written assessment administration must be proctored by at least one (1) person. This individual is responsible for monitoring the room and students. The individual should make all attempts to minimize distractions (e.g., excessive noise, talking, tapping, etc.)
  5. During written assessment administration, proctors will not answer content-related questions. If students have concerns regarding an item, they should contact the instructor following completion of the administration via email.
  6. During written assessment administration, only one student may leave the room at a time to use the restroom. A student who leaves the room must sign in and out on a sheet at the proctor’s desk. Proctors may prohibit bathroom breaks during short written assessments (e.g., less than two hours), barring documented medical necessity for a break.
  7. Students must arrive to the testing location at least ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the written assessment. At this time, they should locate their seat, remove extraneous materials, and prepare their laptop. Students should notify the proctor of technical issues immediately. Students who arrive after the scheduled start time will not be eligible to complete the assessment. If a student anticipates being late for a scheduled written assessment, they must notify the Vice Dean for Education at least ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
  8. Students are expected to be present at all scheduled written assessment. Excused absences for written assessments must comply with the DDS and DH academic policies and procedures. The student is responsible for making an arrangement with the instructor within two (2) business days to make-up the missed written assessment, if allowable.
  9. Students are expected to gather their materials and vacate the room once they have submitted their assessment. This should be done with minimal disruption to those around them.

D. Exceptions

Assessments of technical skills may be exempt when assessing skills including but not limited to use of dental instruments/equipment, communication with patients, communication with professional teams, etc.

III. Related Requirements

A. External Regulations and Consequences

  1. UNC-Chapel Hill Instrument of Judicial Governance

B. Unit Policies, Standards, and Procedures

  1. Adams School of Dentistry Policy on Evaluating DDS Student Performance
  2. Adams School of Dentistry General Academic Policies and Procedures Manual
  3. Adams School of Dentistry DDS Academic Policies and Procedures Manual
  4. Adams School of Dentistry Academic Standing and Ethical Conduct Policy for Dental Hygiene Students
  5. Adams School of Dentistry Choose Your Own Device Policy

IV. Contact Information

Issue, Officer, and Contact Table
Issue Officer Contact
General questions about this Standard Executive Vice Dean for Education
Technical questions Instructional Technology Consultant



Article ID: 131311
Thu 4/8/21 9:06 PM
Tue 4/4/23 10:24 AM
Responsible Unit
School, Department, or other organizational unit issuing this document.
Adams School of Dentistry
Issuing Officer
Name of the document Issuing Officer. This is the individual whose organizational authority covers the policy scope and who is primarily responsible for the policy.
Issuing Officer Title
Title of the person who is primarily responsible for issuing this policy.
Executive Dean for Education
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
11/01/2024 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
04/04/2023 12:00 AM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
11/01/2022 12:00 AM
Effective Date
If the date on which this document became/becomes enforceable differs from the Origination or Last Revision, this attribute reflects the date on which it is/was enforcable.
09/23/2022 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
06/21/2019 1:21 PM

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